Beauty of Water

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Mario and Co. now had the Magic Bean and Fertil Soil in hand. They'll need this to get to Cloudy Climb. But to do this, they'll need to obtain some Miracle Water. Our heroes decided to explore more of Flower Fields to find what they need.

The nonad was just now heading down the southeast path after giving a yellow flower a Yellow Berry to open the gate. Soon, they came across an empty spring and saw a pink water lily.

"Wonder what's happened to her?" Parakarry asked.

"Oh, how horrible! The spring went dry!" the lily moaned, "What a tragedy... Oh! This can't happen to me! No, it can't! Not to Lily!"

"Talk about a fitting name," Luigi whispered.

"Somebody! The horrible thing that rides the clouds... took our precious Water Stone! Water flows from that magical Water Stone... Without it, the spring will never recover... Oh! And I'll wither up if I can't float on the water! I'll be crushed by my weight and wither... Poor Lily! Oh, no! Don't give up, Lily! Perhaps a handsome prince and his foray of soldiers will arrive and help you soon...!"

During Lily's speech, Mario and Co. walked up to her as Luigi cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Don't feel sad, Lily," Luigi assured the flower, "Me, my brother, and our friends will help you."

"A prince... and his soldiers," Lily said to herself, "Well, he looks more like a plumber, as for his friends, I was expecting some armor with them, and to be a little older. But I guess beggars can't be choosers!"

"Hello, friends," she introduced, "I am Lily. I'm a beautiful, fragile flower who lives in this spring."

"I'm Luigi. Is there a way my friends and I can make you happy again?" Luigi offered.

"Yes. Could you please get my Water Stone back from that horrible cloud creature?"

"Of course. We'd hate to see you wither away," Luigi replied.

"Oh, you're a dream come true! Thank you so much!" Lily replied happily, "Please find it quickly!"

After rejoining the others, the nonad went to the west path to find the Water Stone. But before they left, Mario whacked a tree with his hammer and made it drop a Blue Berry (not the kind you find on a bush). Feeling some deja vu from the last two times, it happened again, Mario gave the Blue Berry to the blue flower guarding the gate. Down the path were some Spinies, but Watt stopped them with a Mega Shock and Bombette finished them off with a Mega Bomb. After that, they stumbled across a hedge maze. From above, Mario and Co. could see two Lakitus floating around.

"Hey! Where'd you drop it, idiot? Huff N. Puff will have our clouds if we don't find it!" the first Lakitu questioned.

"I don't know, man, I'm so clumsy..." the second one replied, "That Water Stone gave out an endless supply of water! Without it, we can't increase the power of the Puff Puff Machine! It's just gotta be around here somewhere! It's just gotta be!"

"Did you guys hear that?" Parakarry whispered, "It looks like these Lakitus lost the Water Stone."

"I bet that it's somewhere in that maze, or on the other side," Bow added.

"But what're they talking about, 'increasing the power of the Puff Puff Machine'?" Sushie wondered.

"I guess that the Puff Puff Machine is the reason for all these clouds," Mario stated.

"Hang on... did you hear something?" the first Lakitu asked before looking down to see Mario and Luigi, "Hey, isn't that... Mario... and Luigi?"

"It is them..." the second Lakitu said, "Uhhh... You don't think they heard me?"

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