Trickery of the Mansion

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Mario had somehow vanished into Forever Forest, leaving Luigi and the others to travel to Boo's Mansion without him. This was difficult for the green plumber, as the forest was a new level of creepy for him. But regardless, he and his friends came across a somewhat spooky residence.

"I'm glad we're out of that creepy forest," Luigi sighed with relief.

"Hey, Luigi," said Kooper, "Do you think that might be the mansion the Boo was telling us about?"

Luigi looked up and saw the huge mansion and gulped. He walked up to the gate and tried to open it, but as he laid a finger on it, the gate opened slowly on its own. The quintet went to the front yard of the mansion only for the gate to slam shut behind them, startling Luigi. At that moment, the same Boo they saw at the entrance of Forever Forest appeared.

"Welcome, sirs and madam!" he greeted, "I'm pleased you made it through Forever Forest. My master awaits you in this room highest up in this lovely mansion."

"Please go to the third floor," he directed, "There you will hear all the news of the Star Spirits, I'll see you there."

As the Boo disappeared, Luigi and Co. entered the mansion. Inside, they didn't find any ghosts, much to Luigi's relief. But one of the doors on the first floor was concealed by a bookcase. But they needed to get to the third floor so they took the stairs to the second floor.

Upon the second floor, there were two rooms, the quintet entered the east room. Inside they found some cabinets and an empty bed. Curious as to what was in the cabinets, Luigi approached them.

"W-What do you guys think is in here?" he asked as he opened the middle one.

But as soon as he opened it, Boos came bursting out, one of them was holding a vinyl.

"Luigiiiii... You have come..." the Boo with the record said, "But where's Mario?"

"I don't know what happened to him," Luigi replied.

"No matter. You can still guess which one of us has this record."

"That's it? Doesn't seem too bad," said Parakarry.

"The Lady Bow will be very angry if we let them get the vinyl too easily, fellow Boos! Do your best, as we practiced!"

The Boo dropped the vinyl to another Boo as they continued to spin around. Even though Luigi was scared, he still kept his eye on the one with the vinyl. It wasn't hard, as he whacked the one with his hammer, making him drop the vinyl.

"You got it, Luigi!" Goombario exclaimed as Luigi picked up the vinyl, "Bravo!"

"No! Boohoo!" the Boo cried, "You... You guessed right, go on, take it. Lady Bow is going to flip out on us."

The Boos vanished as they left behind a scary face upon disappearing. While it wasn't a jump scare, it still gave Luigi the shivers. He tried to shake it off, as he inspected the vinyl.

"Wonder what we can do with that?" Kooper wondered.

"Don't know, yet," said Luigi, "We better hang on to it just in case."

Luigi and Co. left the room and decided to go in the left-side door on the second floor. There, they found a phonograph, knowing they had a vinyl, Luigi played it in the phonograph and it played a classic melody that was familiar to him. As he played it, a Boo that was guarding a chest started dancing. The others realized the music was a good distraction and Parakarry went to the chest a pulled out a weight.

"Oh, no!" the Boo realized his mistake, "Lady Bow gave me one job... to guard that treasure chest. She is going to punish me so bad if she finds out about this!" 

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