Traveling to Lavalava Island

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Back with Peach and Twink, she was pacing around her bedroom.

"Say... Twink," she said, "Those guards have stopped paying attention to us. Let's try to sneak out again. We might find some information to help Mario and Luigi."

"Do you think it's still safe to use that secret path?" Twink asked, "What if Bowser's figured it out by now?"

"It's still alright, Twink," Peach responded, "Bowser hasn't noticed anything. He may be strong and scary. But he lacks the brains. Let's get out of here!"

Peach and Twink snuck out through the secret passage and went into the castle's dining room. As they entered, they heard some groaning.

"Huh? Who are you?" the person across the room asked.

When Peach walked down and saw it was Gourmet Guy that Mario and Co. encountered earlier.

"Why I'm Princess Peach. And who might you be?" she asked.

"Oh! Your Princess Peach. Everyone calls me Gourmet Guy for some reason. Look, I should probably report you to King Bowser. You know you can't leave your room. But I AM really hungry... Tell you what... I'll keep this a secret if you make me something yummy."

"I'd love to cook for you, Mr. Gourmet Guy, but... I don't have any ingredients or utensils," Peach said.

"Aw, that's no problem. There's a kitchen one floor below us. Heard it's a five-star! You can cook down there. You'll need this key, too."

Gourmet Guy handed Peach a key to the castle, and she went down to the first floor. She made sure to avoid the guards down there which felt more tricky than before. But she made it into the kitchen without getting caught.

"So, what should we make?" Twink asked Peach.

"I was thinking a special strawberry cake," Peach replied, "Just like the ones I used to make with my grandma."

"That's a great idea! Let's whip one up!" twink went to where the cookbooks were and looked up and down on the shelf.

"Which book has it?"

"It should be in the book with green spirals and red hearts," Peach answered.

Twink eventually found the book and found the strawberry cake recipe. Twink began to read off the ingredients.

"Please listen carefully. First... put one cup of sugar and two eggs in a bowl."

Peach found the sugar and eggs and put them in a nearby bowl. She then asked Twink for the next step.

"Mix and whip the ingredients in a bowl."

Peach got a wooden mixing spoon and started mixing. After a few seconds, Peach got the mixture perfect. Twink then instructed her to put butter and flour in the bowl. After that, Peach mixed them in and transferred the mix into a pan.

"Next you put the cake in the oven for one minute. But be extra careful, you can't redo this part," said Twink.

Peach placed the cake in the oven and made sure it was exactly a full minute before taking it out. As soon as she did, she took a whiff of the baked cake.

"Smells delicious!" she said.

"This is the last step," Twink reminded, "Decorate the cake with sweet buttercream and strawberries."

Peach finished with the cream and strawberries and they went back to Gourmet Guy while avoiding the guards.

"Here you go!" she said setting the cake down in front of Gourmet Guy.

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