Chapter 17

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Borra's P.O.V

The sight of Eretria's unconcious body is one that will haunt me for the rest of my days.

With every step i take closer to my beloved, seeing her this way... cutting out my own heart would have hurt much less. As i stand right before her the strength in my legs give out and i fall onto my knees. The rocks cut into my skin but i barely even notice nor do i care.

Her human sister is on her knees crying to my left while Maleficent and a man in all black is on the other side of Eretria's body. Everyone around us is quiet, others have their heads bowed, some are praying, a few are in tears as well. There's no mistaking it, Eretria was truly loved, admired and respected by all... My beloved Eretria...

Eretria's lips have a blue tent to them now instead of that addicting pink i always loved to look at. Her skin is a sickly pale color as if the life has already left her... No... please... Those natuarlly rose colored cheeks i loved to admire so much are gone. Her wound has a deadly black color surrounding it, blood covers her clothes and is now even starting to look dry. With a shaky hand my fingers softly caress the cheek closest to me. I can't stop the slight gasp of shock that escapes from me... she's so cold... like death. I bite down on my lip hard to hold back the scream i so desparetly want to release. Her chest barely rises and falls and theres.... what is that?..

"What's that?".. the man in black points to exactly what i was trying to figure out myself.

Dark purple spider like veins are slowly spreading up her neck, down her chest and i'm guessing throughout her entire body.

"It's the Poison... it's spreading".. Maeficent says lowly with much disgust and anger. Her powers swirl in her eyes as well as around her fingers. She slowly hovers her hand above Eretria's chest and face with the eyes of a mother who loves her child dearly. She bends down and places the softest kiss upon Eretria's forehead...

"I am sorry my brave girl, i have failed you"...

"What.. wait mother.. mother can't you heal her!?"... The human girl beside me asks in shocked disblief hearing Maleficents soft spoken words.

Maleficent doesn't even look at the human as she slowly shakes her head no.. "I tried Aurora, it did not work, i'm sorry"... a few more tears fall down her face but she doesn't bother to wipe them away. As she stares at her dying daughter with regret and heartbreak.

"No... no.... NO! I DON'T ACCEPT THAT! MY SISTER CAN'T DIE!" ... the human screams shocking everyone including myself as she gives into her grief that turns into loud sobs. Thankfully her prince gently picks her up and carries her away a few feet to cry in his embrace. I quickly look away from the loving couple.. the bitter sting of it is to much to bare as i look back to her. Why did it have to be you... why couldn't it have been anyone else.. i need you eretria... My thoughts are halted as instincts kick in.

I hear small footsteps approaching from behind me but i assume it's someone Maleficent surely knows for them to have the courage to approcah us at this tragic moment.

"I... i believe i can be of help to save the Warrior's life"...

My eyes dart to see a small creature obviously a Moor folk decendent, however he stinks of the ulstead queen. He's a traitor to his own kind. Instincts combined with my unstable emotions cause me to lunge at him quickly grabbing this traitor by the throat lifting him off the ground.

"You dare to offer your help while you reek of them"... i growl in pure hatred while squeezing his throat tighter. The fear in his eyes is evident while his small hands desparetly try to pry my fingers from his throat. His fear and struggle only eggs me on to choking the life out of him.

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