Chapter 10

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Just a warning to all... this chapter contains Violent fight scenes .. also a mature scene.

I try to mentally prepare myself for the worst as we fly back to the Moors. I look over at mother and we make eye contact.. "Follow me"... I nod and follow mothers every movement through the forest until we land on a tree branch.

And what I see was not something I ever expected or ever wanted to witness... it not only shatters my heart but inside me grows a fire of burning rage...I am going to rip them apart...

The Tomb Bloom flowers are gone, all of them. The few that remained are damaged and broken with no glow of life to them.

I feel the branch I'm standing on dip slightly from someone else landing on it. I don't need to look to know who it is. It's him... I knew he'd follow me.. or maybe I was just secretly hoping he would. His arm circles my waist pulling me into his side.

All four of us stare in shock and disbelief at the now empty field, Conall is beside my mother as she speaks..

"This is where we bury our dead... they've destroyed it"... I can hear the heartbreak in her voice...

"How could they! Since when has the Tomb Blooms interested them!".. I say harshly.

Mother shakes her head not knowing what to say. Borra rubs small circles with his fingers along my hip trying to comfort me and even though I appreciate the effort, nothing can put out the growing fire of rage I feel in this moment.

"This is what the humans do. They're nothing but locusts that swarm the earth. We have to stop them. You spent years caring for a human. Now it's time to care for your own."... Borra tells mother.

My heart constricts at the subtle mention of Aurora... Everything is so complicated now...

It's quiet, somethings not right. A flock of birds fly off suddenly from being startled..

"They are still here!"... I angrily spat. Not a moment later I open my palms as blue light bursts out swirlingly up my arms. Before anyone else made a move I jumped down quickly to the ground landing on my feet.

"FIRE!"..... An Ulstead soldier shouts....No!.. All their cross bows aim at Mother.. I throw my power in every direction hoping to shatter every arrow, but a few slip past.

"MOTHER!" I scream as I swiftly peer up at her.

Conall quickly grabs mother blocking her with his entire body, his wings spread wide as he takes all the iron bullets and arrows collectively into his back and wings.

He saved her..."RELOAD!" I turn facing the soldiers and slap my hands together causing a sudden strong wind current to blow in every direction knocking all the soldiers onto their backs groaning in pain.

Mother and Conall begin to fall down from the tree.. I lift two fingers and guide them down much slower so that they won't be injured from the fall. Once I place them on the ground I shout... "Mother cover yourself!".. she raises her hand glowing green summoning a wooden dome to form around her and Conall...Good..

"READY MEN!".. a soldier shouts as they all get back up trying to ready their cross bows. I take this time to quickly create a double edge sword spear, sharp and deadly.

"KILL THAT ONE!" a soldier points directly at me.. I narrow my eyes and begin to spin my spear at a high speed ready for what's next.

Sudden screams from nearby soldiers startles the men around me. I smirk as I see Borra grab two by their collars throwing them high above the trees to fall to their deaths.

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