Chapter 5

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We should have never agreed to come to Ulstead...

Mother spreads her wings wide, blasting her power throughout the entire room blowing out every candle. The captain of the guard unsheathes his sword and stands. I stand immediately watching him make his way around the table straight for mother. I step forward  and right as he raises his sword I raise my hand throwing my power at him. The force from my magic swirls around him in blue, throwing him into the wall. Mother throws a group of guards against the far wall that were sneaking up from behind me.

All the servants run out screaming and yelling for help...great more guards.

The Queen stands shouting... "We have opened our home to witches" she practical spits with so much disgust in her voice.

I make eye contact with mother and point with my head to a stain glass window across the room. She nods in understanding... that will be our way out.

Aurora steps in front of both mother and I.... "STOP" ....she shouts at us.

I can't help but stare at her in disbelief, like she's gone crazy. How does she not see this for what it is? The human Queen obviously wanted this to happen, by how she kept pushing mother the way she did.. its a set up, I don't believe for a second she cared to meet mother.

Mother shouts about their being no union or wedding which causes both Aurora and Prince Phillip to get upset. The human Queen runs to her husband's side shouting something I didn't care to hear. I look to mother waiting for her next move or signal to leave.

I turn back to the royal family to see the King on the floor.. What the hell happened to him?..

The next words that came from the Queen was both predictable and ridiculous, I roll my eyes completely fed up as her words fill the room.

"It's a curse! Maleficent has cursed the King!" 

"Mother, Diaval, Aurora it's time to go"... I make the call as our warrior, we are leaving. And we were about to until Diaval, Mother and myself looked upon Aurora and halted our steps shocked by the look she was giving mother.

"What have you done?".. She practically screamed at her.


"I've done nothing... Aurora we go home now".. Mother grabs her staff and steps towards Aurora to grab her.

My heart sinks to the floor as I witness Aurora shake her head no, run to Prince Phillip and the fallen Kings side, crying.

I look to mother but she just stands there shocked, frozen.

My eyes look back to Aurora... "Wake him.. wake him please!" Aurora practically begs.

I sigh out loud... "Mother"... I say more sternly. She looks at me and nods.

She jumps into the air hovering mid air and with one last, sad glance at Aurora she takes off through the stain glass I pointed out earlier. Diaval follows mother in his crow form. I summon my wings and hear gasps from the human Queen and surrounding guards in the room. I do just as mother did hovering mid air, I look at Aurora and my heart feels like its breaking.. I will not cry in front of them.

"They have played you sister"... I say sternly, her eyes widen as she shakes her head in denial.

Without wasting anymore time, I fly through the window Mother and Diaval went through moments ago. I quickly find mother up ahead in the sky and from the corner of my eye two red heads catch my attention on the roof of a nearby tower. What I see makes me panic, immediately.

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