Chapter 20

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"Oh Eretriaaaaaa time to wake up you beautiful wife to be!" she pokes at my cheek as i attempt to shoo her off.

Apparently on the night before a wedding the couple must be apart. So naturally i slept like shit last night, i missed Borra, i missed being snuggled to his chest.

"Hey hey stop it, today's the big day! Everyone is ready to see you happy and in love!"

"I know, i just miss him"

Aurora lays down beside me in my nest like bed "I understand what your feeling, but just think, tonight you get... to make babies!" she all but whispers the last part.

"Aurora!" heat floods my face giving away my embarrassment.

Her laughter is contagious.

"Wait... have.. have you and phillip..?".. i don't dare say the rest.

Her pink cheeks brighten as she nods her head a few times.

"OH MY GODDESS!" i accidently shout in surprise

"Shut up Eretria someone will hear you! Just like you with Borra, i can't keep my hands off Phillip. I love him, duh"

"I don't always have my hands all over Borra!?"... yes i damn sure do, but i didn't' think i did so, out in public.

Her glare lets me know i am so full of shit right now. I can't help but roll my eyes in defeat.

"Okay okay fine, i can't help myself either"

Aurora sits up in victory "I know, now up! We have to get you ready!"


"Did you think she would be the only one getting you ready?" Mother enters my nest den and now both Aurora and i are red in the face as we realize mother had to of heard our conversation.

She takes one look at us both and chuckles softly.. "Both my girls are grown women now, it would seem"


Never in my years of growing up was i the one to plan a party, i was the one guarding it. Now as i scan where i am to be married to Borra it's all so exciting. Aurora out did herself, and there is so many flowers here. All the fairies are busy making this place look incredible with the brightest colors. It looks all so magical. We are to be married at sunset and as of right now that feels like hours away, i miss borra.

I wonder what the men have him doing?


As i walk over to where my sister is, there's a huge group of dark fey woman holding various baskets filled with items i have no clue of what.

"They have their own traditions, i send you off to them now"

"What?" i almost squeak out.

An elder forest fey steps forth with a warm and gentle smile.

"It is tradition to pass down stories and knowledge before a wedding ceremony. We have many herbs and oils to help ease your mind and make you feel beautiful... would you give us the honor to prepare you for this day?"

I am almost stuck speechless by their loving generosity, they all look very happy and willing.

I bow slightly "It would be my honor to accept your help, thank you"

Rae comes around and gives me a big hug "You and Borra will have the cutest babies. OH can i please babysit!"


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