Chapter 19

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In the passing days everything felt lighter... dare I say peaceful. The change could be felt drastically throughout both kingdoms. This was sure to be a start to new beginnings, a better and brighter future for all.

As great as this is, in my gut i'm hoping it's not too good to be true.


"Are you ready My Love?... everyone misses their bravest warrior"...

Borra gently squeezes my hand as we both begin walking over the wooden tree bridge that's over the river, connecting both kingdoms. Mothers doing i'm sure.

While staying in Aurora's massive castle i was forced to wear these huge dresses, the maids were relentless and i almost threw one out the window for it. But of course, keep the peace right. So no one was actually thrown out of a window, just in my mind.

But now thankfully, i am in comfortable attire for a warrior, something of my choosing.

"I am, this is home, our home"

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"I am, this is home, our home"... i squeeze his hand back as i look into those honey golden eyes i love so much.

As we approach the border of The Moors, it's as if the very trees are at peace with the way they sway in the breeze, the birds are chirping happy songs while the sun beams down on a cloudless day.

So peaceful...

Children laughing catch our attention and the sight of forest dark fey children chasing fairies causes me to stop walking. The sight of them playing and their happy carefree smiles, does something to me. I don't understand it myself but i could cry from being so happy.

"A wonderful sight isn't it..."

Borra bends down to whisper in my ear before softly kissing my temple. All i can manage is a slight nod and warm smile. A soft tug from Borra and we are off walking, once again.

The farther into the forest we walk, the noise of life grows louder letting me know we will soon be approaching the center of life, in the moors. And for some odd reason, i begin to feel butterflies in my stomach.. am i seriously getting nervous?

I stop in my tracks causing Borra to look at me concerned ..."Eretria?"

"Where's mother? Aurora? Diaval?"....

Why weren't they at the castle this morning.

A smile slowly grows on Borras face making me want to pout like a child.

"They are all waiting for you my love".. he points his head in the direction I know is the center life of the moors.

I nod and just continue walking hand in hand with Borra. My attention is quickly aware of how lively the forest creatures are. Fairies of all kinds fly around happily and free of fear. The very sight warms me to my very soul.

Borra x OC (Maleficent)Where stories live. Discover now