Chapter 8

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It's Kira

She stands there with her arms crossed staring directly at Borra.

"Udo needs to speak with you about battle plans for war. Given you are leading this war... to kill all the Humans.." ...she looks at me while emphasizes the word human.

Wow she is one piece of work.. that I'd like to punch in the face.

Borra notices the tension between us as we have our stare down.

"Tell him I will be there"... Borra says casually looking away from her.

"He said its urgent"... Kira presses.

Borra snaps his head at Kira again and is silent for a few moments... don't tell me he's going to leave me here again.

"I'm taking Eretria to the gathering circle first"... Borra speaks leaving no room for argument.

Thank god he remembered to think of me or else I might have honestly threw a fit.

However, the unwanted creature Kira had another thing up her sleeve it would seem, as she smirks pointing to the sky.

"No need, I called Miko here to carry her  there... an important warrior like yourself doesn't need to be bothered with these...little things"... Miko lands beside Kira as she speaks.

I really don't like her.

The sudden anger I feel causes my Magic to swirl around my hands and up my arms in blue light. Kira and Miko's eyes widen at the sight of my powers. Borra growls low, grabs my hand giving it a little squeeze. The feel of his touch calms me enough that I will my magic to subside.

"Kira".. Borra says in warning.

The nerve of this girl, she try's her best to play dumb but I don't buy it..

"What?... I was only trying to be helpful so that you don't have so much on your plate days before we set off to war... my dear fiancé." ...she ends with a purr, her smile makes my skin crawl.

Her words finally register and I'm quick to snatch my hand out of Borra's and look at him utterly shocked hoping she's lying... "Fiancé!?"... I say confused but very much on the verge of rage. My power swirls around my body slowly as I wait to hear what he has to say.

Borra looks furious as he glares at Kira... "No, I never agreed to that Kira, that was something the Elders suggested"..

"What the Elders demanded Borra"... Kira corrects him harshly and looks rather hurt for a moment.

Oh how fucking perfect, of course the first man I open my heart to, has a fiancé or whatever this is...

WHY didn't Soca or Pila warn me about this earlier!? I hate being caught off guard. Wow I feel foolish. I turn away from Borra walking in the opposite direction, that's it I decide I don't care how much this is going to hurt, I'm flying my damn self to the gathering circle. I never needed anyone to carry me, I wanted Borra to carry me. There's a huge fucking difference.

Borra suddenly shouts so loud I flinch and stop in my tracks. .."Leave! Tell Udo I will be there!"

Kira is quick to protest.. "But Borra-" ...

"Enough Kira!, Leave"... Borra says angry.

I look over my shoulder at Kira to see Miko grab her elbow trying to pull her along to leave but she roughly throws his hand off. Miko rolls his eyes and takes off into the air flying away rather quickly. I look at Kira to see she suddenly jumps into the air flying but to my wonderful surprise, the little rage monkey is headed straight for me.

Borra x OC (Maleficent)Where stories live. Discover now