Chapter 13

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The picture above is what I imagined Eretria would look like. Sorry for the crap edit.


Borra's P.O.V

Today everything changes...

I look around the large group gathered below brothers and sisters. Their eyes show many emotions, some are nervous while others look determined and some even look unsure. I raise my chin to straighten my posture.. "Our time has come.. no more will we hide in fear. Peace is not an option anymore..".. i  pace slowly on a higher platform of rock as i make sure to keep eye contact with everyone down below. My voice echos, bouncing off the walls of the cave as i speak loudly for everyone to hear.

"Conall wanted peace... and they filled him with iron, now we will have our war... OUR FIGHT BEGINS NOW!" I raise my closed fist in the air and am greeted with everyone shouting and grunting in agreement. I can see everyones spirits begin to lift and become motivated to fight for our future. No longer will we live like animals afraid to come out of their own cage. My thoughts stop there, so i too can listen when others start shouting their own encouraging words. My smrik widens with how loud everyone has become...We are ready.

I end the memorable shouting with.. "AND WE WILL SHOW THEM NO MERCY!" i close my fist pounding my chest while grunting. Everyone gathered around joins in. Today we fight for our future and for the future of our generations to come.

To the far left is a line of Elders and mothers chosen to stay with bowl upon bowls of war paint for everyone to use. I fly along with everyone else and wait in line to be marked for war. I can't stay still... i have firmly believed that war is a necessary evil for so long and now that it has finaly come to happen.. a weight feels like its been lifted off my shoulders.

As i step up to receive my war paint i close my eyes and control my breathing. As i feel the paint mark my face a huge wave of determination i've never felt before rushes through my very veins. I will lead us to victory, we will end the humans of Ulstead. I will make sure of it.    

I wait by the entrance receiving pats on my back while others bow their heads as they pass me by. I return the gestures to all my comrades. Once i know everyone is done with having their war paint on i jump into the sky. "LET'S GO!"...Shouts and grunts of approval flow throughout everyone as we fly together to battle.  I look out to towards where i know Ulstead is.. Eretria please be alright, we are coming.

Eretria's P.O.V

I stand ontop of a boulder as i speak to Diaval and my three trusted tree gaurds of the forest. "As my trusted warriors of the forest i have news to share about what will go down today. The dark fey will come to have war against the humans-".. Diaval cuts me off shocked by my news not even allowing me to finish..."Eretria today is Aurora's wedding! You knew!? This can't happen!?".. I begin to grow annoyed with how Diaval constantly jumps to her defence even though he saw for himself how she chose to stay with them.

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