Chapter 14

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For the sake of this story things won't go down exactly as the movie. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :)

The intense burning pain from where the blade is pierced deep into my flesh is almost unbearable...I squeeze my eyes shut for just a second while i bite down on my lower lip to hold back a whimper. Upon opening my eyes the twin displays her evil smirk gradually growing into a grin pleased with the pain she's causing me.

"I made sure to dip my blades in poison... hoping this moment would happen, you will surely die dear warrior"...

That's why it hurts so much... By now i can already begin to feel the effects of the poison spreading throughout my body. This poison is strong... My breathing has become uneven as my heart rate is pounding in my chest. My warm blood trickles down my body producing a growing puddle of blood at my feet.

Am i going to die?.... the very thought angers me.

I refuse to die..... I have those I love that i'm not ready to part from and others I'm meant to protect, they depend on me. I cannot die today.

I narrow my eyes with a burning determination glowing within them. My powers suddenly begins to swirl around my entire body in blue light taking action on it's own. With great force in swirling blue light the twin before me is thrown into the organ pipes leaving a permanent dent into the metal. Blood violently sprays out from her mouth as her bodily organs bursted inside from the force. As soon as her body hit the floor...she was dead from the traumatic force, her human body couldn't handle it.

The twin playing the piano stopped in horror as she watched her twin die right before her very eyes.

As the remaining twin bends down reaching for the crossbow near her sisters dead body, i take this chance to spin my spear at unhuman speed. In mere seconds the heavy thud of her head falls to the floor followed by her twitching body. 

With my strength draining as quickly as the blood spilling out from my wound, i drop to my knees. I wince in pain as the movement made the poisoned blade dig into my flesh... painfully. I grip the silver handle dreading the pain i'm about to endure..

"AHHH!" i scream as tears trickle down my face.

My weapon glows blue before morphing into light form and returning to my body. The added power gives me only a moment of relief before it fades just as quickly and the now over bearing pain makes me grab onto my lower abdomen. No matter how heavy my breathing becomes i feel as if my lungs are receiving little to no air. My vision is becoming hazy as if i'm trying to see through fog and i do my best to blink until i can see clearly.

I look down at my wound and cringe at the awful sight before me. My body is kneeling in a puddle of my blood and my skin around the opening of my wound is turning black from the deadly poison.

"I need to stop the bleeding for now".. i whisper weakly out loud to myself.

I raise my palm open and will my magic to form flames. With my other hand i grab onto the hem of my dress and stuff it into my mouth ignoring the metallic taste of my own blood as i bite down onto the fabric. With a shaky hand i firmly press the flames directly onto my wound searing my flesh to melt together to stop the bleeding. As i bite down on the fabric i scream in pain as tears flow freely down my face onto the floor. I pull my hand away making the flames disappear immediately.


Aurora?... I weakly look over my shoulder and with great relief see the doors are wide open... They made it out, good.. My eyes travel to my sister running with such hurry through the church and up the flight of stairs that reaches the floor i'm on.

Borra x OC (Maleficent)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant