Chapter 6

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The outfit above is what I picture Eretria wearing

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The outfit above is what I picture Eretria wearing. Remember she is a grown woman.


Ah something wing, fuck! my shoulder!

I blink my eyes open a few times adjusting to the light... where am I?

My eyes land on mother laying beside me in this huge and rather soft nest.

"Mother..." I say softly.

Relief rushes through me as I see her breathing and bandaged up. She's alive. I didn't lose her, thank the gods.

I look over at my injured wing and left shoulder. Both are bandaged very well. And to my utter shock and borderline horror I see that I am wearing a completely different outfit... who in the hell changed me into different clothes!?...

I look to see what mother is wearing and shes just wearing a black long skirt with slits and shes not even wearing a top... the bandages wrapped around her upper torso covers up everything. I notice mothers hair is out and long, I reach for my head and realize mine is no longer in an updo as well but flowing down like I normally wear it.

I look back down to inspect my outfit further, it's very revealing. I don't mind showing skin but even I would prefer a top that covers just a bit more. Oh well the material is comfortable to move in at least.

I sit up to look around this unusual area we are in, is this a cave? How is the floor illuminating light along with the walls, all of this looks so strange. I slowly make my way out of the nest, not wanting to wake mother. She needs as much rest as possible to heal properly. I look back at mother once more and smile. So glad she is alright.

The floor is thankfully warm and not cold, not sure what happened to my shoes but being barefoot doesn't bother me. Back in the Moors I always did enjoy running around barefoot.

The Moors, shit!... I hope everyone is safe in the Moors. Mother and I will need to go back as soon as we are recovered. I don't trust that human Queen not to attack our home while we are hurt.

As I make my way to the entrance of this small cave, I hear what sounds to be voices and wings flying around. I poke my head out slowly and look all around. I frown when I realize I would need my wings to get around safely. I look down to see how far it is, maybe I could jump?

Nope... well I could always use my magic to float down.

Thank goodness I am gifted with magic. Lowering myself was simple and little to no effort. The voices seem to grow louder from down here. I walk in the direction the voices seem to be coming from. These halls are pretty dark but theres light coming from up ahead. I peek my head around the corner and have to stop myself from making any noise from shock.

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