Chapter 3

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Aurora and I walk through the forest together, we are both in comfortable silence. Just observing the creatures and forest life as we walk past it in search of mother.

I can basically feel how nervous Aurora is without even looking at her. Not that I blame her, mother didn't exactly take the news well yesterday when Aurora told her she said yes to marrying Prince Phillip.

I feel worried for them both in this situation. I worry for mother because I don't know how much more she can take with all these changes happening so fast, thats out of her control. And for Aurora, because I know this is important to her, mother being there would mean everything to her and if mother is to say no...she will be heartbroken.

Now Aurora is going to ask her to attend a celebration dinner in Ulstead. In many ways this is just asking for trouble. I'm not looking forward to this but I don't want to hurt Aurora's feelings by saying that. I know and mother is well aware, the kingdom of Ulstead isn't interested in getting to know Maleficent. So naturally I worry for her safety against..them.

Aurora can be naive and tends to assume everyone has good intentions. She's all about peace and being peacful with others. Which is why she is Queen of the Moors and not I or mother.

Mother and I tend to lean towards a more aggressive approach which doesn't exactly do well when trying to make peace between humans one day.

With more faries being taken from the Moors over the past few months I can't help but suspect the royal family of having something to do with it. I have nothing against Prince Phillip simply because I can cleary see how love struck he is over Aurora. But who else could give the order for poachers to collect fairies other than the royal family.

I've thrown countless poachers and hunters back to their side more these past few months than I care to admit..they have become fearless just as mother said.

It's also become more frequent to find evidence of humans in the Moors like broken lanterns and even human blood. I'm not sure why, i've never killed the humans I find. Orders from Aurora directly is that I never kill any humans I find trespassing in the Moors, I just throw them back roughly but they are always still alive once I'm done with them.

My thoughts are cut short when mother can be seen standing by a small stream with Diaval speaking to her quietly. I smile at the two of them, always together those two. They are adorable.

Mother senses us approaching, without even looking at us.


Diaval faces us and when he see me his face is a little surprised ... "Eretria back already? normally you don't return till dawn".. he looks confused.

But hes right I always take advantage of being out all night on this day.

Aurora beats me to it.. "I asked her to come with me to speak to Godmother".. that got mother's attention as she is now facing us with curiosity evident on her face.

"Oh, what is it beasty?"

Aurora looks to me with fear clear in her eyes. I smile and nod hoping that gives her whatever she will need to follow through with her plans.

"King and Queen are celebrating tomorrow night... and they have invited us to the castle"... The look on mother's face is exactly what I expected... pure disbelief.

"You want me to meet his parents?"... her tone clearly says more than enough.

"It's just a dinner".. Aurora says in a rush trying to make it sound like it's not a big deal.

Diaval and I eye each other knowing this could possibly take a turn for the worst soon. Mother raises her voice slightly.. "They don't want me in Ulstead, why on earth would I go?"..

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