Chapter 16

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Authors Note:
A brand new p.o.v.  For all those who have forgotten the characters from the movie. Down below is the character Lickspittle. Hopefully most of you have seen the movies and understand who this character is and what went down in the movie.

But for this chapter it's important to know this character....if you never saw the movie here's a quick info on what happened in the movie.(If you already know then skip to below the picture to start reading the Chapter)... Queen Aurora while staying at the Ulstead Castle for her wedding to Prince Phillip. On her wedding day Prince phillip brought her a Tomb Bloom flower and this raised many questions and suspicions to Aurora knowing exactly what this flower was and how it can only be taken from Moor folk graves. She snuck out of her room and came across the Queen of Ulsteads most secret pathway which confirmed Aurora's suspicions, that her future mother in law was not truthful. This secret pathway led her to Lickspittle's lab and home. There Queen Aurora saw all of the stolen Moor folk confirming what her Godmother and Eretria had always suspected. Ulstead was indeed hunting and capturing Moor folk. Lickspittle freaks out telling her she shouldn't be here once he sees Queen Aurora staring at the very Spindle that put her into a deep sleep in the movie prior by Maleficents curse. She finally notices Lickspittle and questions him on who he is, what is this place, why are moor folk in jars.. etc. She somehow manages to grab him and accidentally rips the back of his shirt exposing his scarred back where his wings once were. Immediately Aurora can tell that he is a Moor Folk who had his wings taken and feels pity and sympathy for him. Queen Aurora speaks to him questioning him. Then the Queen of Ulstead shows up having Queen Aurora locked in her room and guarded so that the Queens plans aren't ruined to kill all Moor folk and Dark Fey.

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Lickspittle P.O.V

As i huddle in the corner of my lab and home of many years. My small arms hug my body in desperate attempt to calm myself,  shaking in mixed emotions i haven't felt for some time now... guilt, saddness, regret, shame.

Images of Queen Aurora's face flashes through my mind torturing me, digging the blade of guilt deeper into my heart. Her words, her pity upon seeing the scars from where the Queen of Ulstead had my wings cut from my body. Her soft voice, sweet like honey, pure and true like spring flowers on a sunny day. Her words have me questioning everything i've done, her words make me question the life i've chosen to live.

I feel a strange feeling upon my face, with shaky hands i touch my face... tears...

I squeeze my eyes shut, it has been many years since i have shed tears.




Another strike to my back from the deadly leather whip the Ulstead soldier uses upon his Queen's command in the dark dungeons lit only by a few torches. Tears flow down my face, out of control, but i cannot feel them anymore for the pain in my back is the worst i've ever experienced. I try to feel for my wings and nothing... my wings have been split in several areas that the damage is now permanent. I'd never be able to fly again and the very thought breaks my heart causing me to sob loudly.

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