Chapter 68: When The Sun Rises, I Only Want You

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Wednesday, January 6

Cold. Snowy. And Cold. That was today. Seattle was covered in snow, the hospital's doors were shut and only the ones on call were there.

Link had closed down his business to keep his employees safe so he was at home with Amelia and his girls- his favorite place in the world.

The babies had woken them up 6 times already. Link had finally gotten them both back to sleep before the sun was even up.

4:00 A.M.

That's what the clock read. He stood in the nursery just admiring his baby girls. How cute they were, how they each were a perfect replica of one parent.

He walked back to the master bedroom to find Amelia fast asleep. She was smiling in her sleep and he couldn't help but fall more in love with her.

He didn't even think that was possible.

He just couldn't take his eyes off her.

He crawled back into bed and wrapped his arms around her. He snuggled her into his chest and let sleep over come him.

He fell into sleep, and he remembered what his father would always tell his mother.

"When the sun rises, I only want you."

He could relate that to Amelia, he wanted her when the sun rose, set and every moment in between.


He was woken up with soft kisses on his collarbone and his eyes fluttered open to see Amelia lovingly staring back at him.

"Good morning beautiful." Link smiled holding her close.

It was 7:30, she was laying on his chest as he stared off thinking of his childhood.

The letter he wrote to himself, that one day he would be more than that scared little boy in the El Royale. That he would find someone who loved him.

Yes Kate did love him but not in the way he longed for- not in the way he needed.

But then there was Amelia, like he was drowning and she was the one to pull him out the water and save him.

He had created this beautiful life with the perfect woman who had taken a chance on him. She would slow dance in the kitchen with him, go on trips with him, but most important-

She loved him for him. She love everything about him. He always thought he couldn't have gotten luckier.

"Will you slow dance with me in the kitchen?" Amelia asked cutely.

"Nothing would make me happier." Link said leading her out of bed and down the stairs.

He turned the speaker on and he chose "Can't Take My Eyes Off You." the song they danced to on their first date and at their wedding.

Their song.

He held her close as they swayed to the music. They just stood their in bliss with each other , Link spun her and her giggled echoed through the house.

He loved those so much, a big smile broke out on his face as he danced with the love of his life in their pajamas at 7:30 in the morning.

It was something he never did until he met Amelia but he would do anything for her. He would give up his life's earning if it meant he could have her.

"You're my whole life you realize that?" Link asked.

"I know." Amelia nodded into his chest.

"No Melia I mean it. You're the love of my life and you are my whole life. I would do anything for the chance to love you the way you love me." Link said.

"You do. You love me like I love you. I adore you." Amelia said taking his face in her hands.

"You saved me. You taught me joy and you are the most beautiful gift of my life." Link said smiling at Amelia.

"I love you." Amelia said trying not to cry.

"When I met you I had no idea you would ever mean this much." Link confessed.

"I didn't either, I was taking a chance on a really nice guy." Amelia laughed.

"Your love scared me so I didn't let in it. I'm sorry I made you wait before I loved you back." Link said with guilt.

"Your love was worth the wait." Amelia said before kissing him.

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