Chapter 8: Sabatoged Plans

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Tuesday September, 26

It was a family tradition. The Lincoln's hosted a charity masquerade ball in honor of the soldiers lost to injuries or infections in war. Atticus wanted one more chance to see Amelia so he had written her an invitation with people set up to dress and do her makeup. Anastasia on the other hand knew Amelia wouldn't come- she had bribed her to stay away from him.

"Margaret- is there an invitation to Dr. Amelia Shepherd?" Anastasia asked, with mischief in her voice. She waited on the reply from the secretary before entering her brother's office.

"Yes there is, why do you ask?" Margaret requested calmly knowing that the slightest things would cause Anastasia to become hot headed and anyone who worked for the Lincoln family knew- you piss Anastasia off and you just lost your job.

"Don't ask questions, throw it out. If you ask questions you won't show up at work tomorrow are we clear?" Anastasia barked at the secretary who now had gone white with fear of losing her job. Ask anyone from Margaret to Bruno, if Anastasia told Atticus anything he believed her over anyone else.

Anastasia watched as Margaret took the letter out of the envelope and tossed it in the recycling bin. Margaret heard how Amelia spoke of Atticus and Atticus spoke of Amelia. Anastasia turned around and she stuffed the envelope under her keyboard. Anastasia gave her an evil smile and pushed the glass doors to her brother's office.

Margaret quickly took a picture of the invitation and went on her lunch break. She printed another copy and drove it to Grey+Sloan, she placed it quickly in the clear box outside of Amelia's office doors. And with that she quickly hurried back to her car and drove away.

Amelia walked to her office after killing someone's grandmother and saw the envelope in her box. She carefully pulled the straight card out of it and began reading as she walked and sat down at her desk.

To Dr. Amelia Shepherd,
You are invited on behalf of Atticus Lincoln to the annual Lincoln family masquerade ball in honor of fallen and wounded soldiers. You will RSVP to the number listed below and once you do, please send your measurements to Daniella Marcus personal tailor Atticus Lincoln. Your makeup and hair will be covered by Jonathon McCain. We expect your presence on the 30th of September. A car will be sent to pick you up and take you back home. Have a lovely day and we hope to see you at the ball.
Sincerely yours,
Eric, Maureen, Austin, Atticus and Anastasia Lincoln.

She knew it had to be an automated message sent to everyone considering Anastasia had paid her to stay away from her brother. She quickly called the number and Atticus' mother answered. She RSVP'd and Maureen informed her that everything would be handled she just needed to show up.

It had been a few hours since she had told Maureen she would be coming to the ball. She sat in her room and opened an email detailing what dress she wanted. All the same style but vastly different colors. She clicked through for some time until she finally found it- it had thing straps, a slit up her leg, made of silk and was blood red. She knew that her going would make Atticus' bratty little sister annoyed but she didn't care. She wanted to make a statement.

She had to choose a mask to wear because this was in fact a masquerade ball, she chose a simple red one with lace that complimented her dress. The shoes she chose were just nude heels that looked like they were worth more than her entire life. She had been told everything would be ready for her and all she had to was drop by the office to have her hair and makeup done. This was a whole other kind of world to Amelia. This was a life of luxury and Amelia didn't quite know how to act in it.

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