Chapter 64: Welcome To The World

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Sunday,December 6

"LINK, LINK." Amelia said shaking Link.

"What happened?" Link shot up.

"Link my water broke, the babies are coming." Amelia said.

"Okay, okay. We've got this. We're going to have babies." Link smiled.

"KATE COME HERE." Link yelled.

"Ah ah I'm here what happened." Kate said running into the bedroom.

"Babies are coming, can you drive us?" Link asked.

"Yeah, yeah how far are contractions? Do I have time to put pants on?" Kate asked quickly.

"About 7 minutes and my water broke so yes." Amelia said.


"Oh god they hurt." Amelia cried into Link.

"I'm sorry baby, you're doing so good." Link said rubbing Amelia's arm.

"Hey guys, can I check you out Amelia?" Arizona asked.

"Yeah go ahead." Amelia gritted.

"Okay well we aren't gonna panic but you're not dilating. You're progressing which is good so I'll be back in a little bit." Arizona smiled.

She said not to panic but after Christopher she had to panic.

"Hey, hey look at me baby. Our girls are perfect, they are going to be perfect." Link said kissing away Amelia's tears.

"Hey I got the ice chips." Kate said handing him the cup.

"Thank you Kate." Amelia smiled.

"How are you?" Kate asked.

"I'm not dilating, babies are fine but I can't loose them." Amelia cried.

"You won't loose them, just a little bit longer with some pain and you will have beautiful baby girls." Kate smiled.


5 1/2 hours later Arizona came back in to check on Amelia's progress. Praying that she had dilated so Amelia wouldn't panic.

"Hey guys can I take a look?" Arizona asked.

"Yes, I need these babies to okay." Amelia begged.

"Okay well good news, you are at 7 centimeters. Baby girls want their mama and daddy by tomorrow." Arizona smiled.

"They're okay?" Amelia asked.

"They're perfect." Arizona smiled.

"I want to do an ultrasound to check on their position to make sure they aren't on top of one another blocking delivery." Arizona said squeezing the gel onto Amelia's bump.

"Okay." Link smiled at Amelia.

"Our little girls are perfect baby." Link kissed Amelia's cheek.

"Okay look you guys there is Baby Girl A, she's ready to come out first, oh and there's Baby Girl B right behind her. Strong heartbeats, everything is perfect. These baby girls are ready to come into the world." Arizona smiled.

It had been almost 11 hours, it was already the next day. Amelia was silently crying and this rate and Link's heart broke for her.

"Please babies, please mama wants to meet you please." Amelia cried while caressing her bump.

"Can I help you in anyway?" Link asked.

"Just hold me." Amelia begged.

"Of course." Link said crawling behind her. She laid her head on his shoulder and he could feel cold sweat on her.


"Okay Amelia. You are nine centimeters. You'll hit ten within the the next hour and then we'll have some cute little girls joining us in the world." Arizona smiled.

"You hear that, our baby girls are so close to meeting us." Link smiled.

"I hope one of them AH-" Amelia started.

"They're going to be so strong and beautiful like their mama." Link said kissing her neck.

"I hope one of them looks like me." Amelia finished.

"They'll be so beautiful like you." Link smiled holding Amelia close.

"I can't wait to meet them." Amelia cried.

"We are so close I promise, I wish I could take away your pain." Link whispered.


"Okay Amelia you can start pushing." Arizona smiled.

"Link hand, Kate hand." Amelia said.

"You've got this." Link smiled.

"Okay Amelia, go ahead." Arizona confirmed.

After about 39 minutes of pushing and no baby yet.

"Is something wrong, shouldn't one be out now?" Amelia asked frantically.

"Labor and delivery with multiples is excruciatingly long. Baby Girl A is probably trying to move Baby Girl B out her way so she can come out." Arizona smiled.


Monday, December 7
1:47 A.M

There was a small cry. Amelia and Link looked at each other in awe.

"Okay Baby Girl A is out. Dad you wanna come cut the cord?" Arizona beamed.

"Of course." Link said taking the scissors.

"Hi darling. Mama and daddy love you so much." Amelia said crying.

"Okay, I know we are amazed by her but her sister wants out so Amelia I need you to push now." Arizona said.

After another 5 minute round of pushing- another small cry.

1:52 A.M.

"And here is Baby Girl B." Arizona smiled.

"Wanna cut the cord again dad?" Arizona laughed.

"Of course." Link said.

He took the baby and laid it on Amelia's chest. They had real baby girls.

"Okay before I leave you guys. Baby girls are healthy, mama Amelia was a rockstar. Couple stitches and now I will leave you." Arizona smiled.


"Hi darling you are precious." Kate adored the small baby in her arms.

"Hey beautiful daddy loves you." Link admired his other daughter.

"Okay guys I hate to burst this bliss bubble but these cuties have to go up to the nursery until the morning." Arizona pouted.

"Aww okay. Bye baby girls Mama and Daddy love you." Amelia kissed her daughters' heads.

"Do we have names to put on the warmers?" Arizona smiled.

"We do." Link smiled.

"Adelaide Dove and Isabella Kate." Amelia announced proudly.

"Bella and Addie for short." Link smiled.

They had healthy baby girls. They were parents.

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