Chapter 3: Who Is She?

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Monday, September 18

Atticus Lincoln walked out to the parking lot of Grey+ Sloan Memorial Hospital. His car and personal driver-Bruno were waiting for him. Bruno opened the car door for him as he stepped back into his jet black Mercedes passenger seat, briefcase still in hand.

Arriving back in his personal office he closed the fog glass doors to give himself privacy. He sat back down and opened his laptop- he began to type an email to Barbara Rollins. An agent with the government who could learn anything about anyone you more specifically he needed to be informed about.

She sent him a file, the name at the top was exactly what he had requested "Dr. Amelia Frances Shepherd." He clicked on the file and began reading. Just the basics, from New York, has 3 sisters and 1 brother, dead father, one mother, chief of Neurosurgery at Grey+Sloan, formerly employed by Oceanside Wellness. Nothing that grabbed his attention, she was beautiful. She had short brown hair and intoxicating blue eyes. He wanted to know her better.

He sat there contemplating his next move, should he send her an email or send someone for her? Finally after a period of 18 minutes he pressed the intercom button on his desk.

"Marla, please request an appointment for Dr. Amelia Shepherd of Grey+Sloan Memorial Hospital tomorrow afternoon at 12:00 clear out my lunch until 2:30 thank you." Atticus requested to his fill in secretary.

He wanted to know who Amelia was not who Dr. Shepherd was but who Amelia was personally. Because for the rest of the afternoon- Atticus Lincoln had one thing on his mind and one thing only, Amelia Shepherd and those blue eyes of hers.

Amelia has arrived back to Meredith's and Derek's much before anyone else in the house. She sat down with her laptop at the kitchen counter and began to read through her emails. Junk, some random crap she didn't sign up for, promotional ad for a vacuum cleaner- she paused as she came upon a letter that was starred requesting an urgent reply.

"To: Dr. Amelia Shepherd
From :The office of Lincoln Enterprises
Good Evening Dr. Shepherd ,
My name is Marla Hart filling in for Margaret as she is out for surgery in a few days. I'm writing to request your presence at Lincoln Enterprises and Holdings tomorrow when the clock turns 12:00. Mr. Lincoln has requested you for a meeting about information that has not been disclosed to the staff. Please when you arrive wait in the front lobby until directed elsewhere. If you accept this request please email back so we know not to book another meeting.
Marla- receptionist for Mr. Atticus Lincoln: CEO of Lincoln Enterprise and Holdings."

Amelia wasn't stupid, this was her chance to know more about him than just his bank account- only a fool would refuse an offer like this one.

A/N: i'm so excited for this story, it might be boring for now but it will start to get interesting and sparks will start flying i promise!!

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