Chapter 41: White Wedding

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Friday, June 19

The alarm went off at 5:00. Link kissed Amelia's forehead and drove over to the venue. His brother was his best man, his dad and all his family were waiting on him. They made breakfast and got him ready for his big day. He was getting married.

Link panicked about everything, what if he wasn't a good husband, what if she left him at the alter, what if they got divorced, what if he died like Kate? Kate. His whole family could tell this morning that something was missing. Kate was missing, all the reassuring Austin was doing was what Link always wanted Kate to be doing.


Amelia arrived at Callie and Arizona's to find Zola, Ellis, Meredith, Maggie, Callie, Arizona, Addison, Charlotte, Violet, Teddy, and Carina all waiting on her. They made breakfast and Amelia couldn't stop worrying either.

"What if he leaves me, what if I'm a terrible wife, what if he doesn't actually wanna marry me, what if I run?" Amelia rambled until Charlotte put her hands on Amelia's shoulders making her shut up.

"He ain't gone leave you, he loves you I can see it when he look at ya." Charlotte said in a confident tone.

They all finished breakfast got all the bridesmaids: Meredith, Addison, Charlotte and Arizona ready. Zola and Sofia were ready. They got in the car Link had called for them and were greeted with Bruno.

"Good morning Ms. Shepherd, everyone else. I can tell you Mr. Lincoln is very excited to see you." Bruno smiled before pulling out the driveway.


The ceremony began. The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle. Followed by Gracie and Zola as the flower girls. Derek took Amelia's hand as they walked down the aisle. He kissed her cheek and she smiled at him.

"I'm so proud of you Amy." He whispered before taking his seat. The officiant began and Amelia and Link honestly didn't listen to a word he was saying. Link looked at Amelia in her dress. The white lace complimented her so well. She smiled wider than she ever had looking at him.

"We have our own vows correct?" The officiant asked. They nodded and he let them began. Link went first.

"Amelia Frances Shepherd. You are like a breath of fresh air, I had never loved another person the way I love you. I never thought I could be loved, I didn't think my love meant anything to anyone. Then there was you, you took all the pain, the hurt, the past, and my fears and you made them irrelevant. You are beautiful inside and out. I wake up everyday in awe that you let me love you, and that you love me. I want to give you the world, my life ends and begins with you. It is like I was drowning and you saved me. You brought me back to the surface, you brought the joy, the light, the hope and the happiness into my life. Every moment I spend with you is like being on the edge of paradise. I could look at you forever, you smile and my world stands still. I want the anniversaries and to grow old with you. I searched my whole life for the home for my heart, I never found it so I filled that void with objects and money. You are the home for my heart, I love you more than life itself. I promise to love you, to help you, for it to be me and you against the world forever. I promise you all that and more Amelia Shepherd." Link smiled with tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

"Atticus Lincoln. I would have never thought when I met you I would get to stand up here and marry you. You love all my flaws and dirty laundry. You surprised me and I am forever grateful I met you when I did, I'm grateful for all you do for me. You love me, you take care of me, you accept me, you treat me better than any man ever could. I love what we have, I love you and everything about you. In fact I can't take my eyes off you. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life loving you, I promise to cherish you, to help you when you need it, to be your shoulder to cry on, to be best I can be for you." Amelia said crying softly.

"Do you Atticus Lincoln take Amelia Shepherd to be your wife?" The officiant asked.

"I most certainly do." Link said smiling so big everyone his jaw would cramp.

"Do you Amelia Shepherd take Atticus Lincoln to be your husband?" The officiant asked again.

"I definitely do." Amelia beamed.

"Then by the power vested in me in the state of Washington. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The officiant said not that anyone could hear him over the cheers and yells from the crowd.

"Kate would be so proud of you." Amelia whispered softly knowing that's what he needed to hear.

Link pulled back and gazed at Amelia. He had done it, he got married. This was forever. He had finally found forever. His past didn't matter, this was his future.

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