Chapter 58: I'm Okay, I'm Okay

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Sunday, October 11

Link had just gotten practically thrown out the window and onto the pavement behind the hotel.

Kate was still inside about to play a game for her life and if she messed up she died. He had to call Amelia but to let her know he was okay.

"Hey babe." Amelia answered cheerfully.

"Listen I don't have much time or really anytime but so one of Jack Burns' old assistants just took Kate hostage and she might die. I'm okay, I'm okay but she might not be." Link said.

"Are you sure you're okay. I love you Link, your babies love their daddy." Amelia cried.

"I'm okay. I've got to get Kate out. She can't die." Link said.

"It's Kate, she won't die. She's way too tough to die." Amelia reassured him. Trying to keep herself calm- stress wasn't good for their growing babies.

"I've got to work on Kate, I love you more than my life. I love these babies more than anything. Keep daddy's miracles safe not too much stress." Link said.

"I know, they're kicking, they hear daddy." Amelia said trying to make him smile.

"I love them, I love you. I'll come home I promise. I will ALWAYS come home." Link said.

"I love you too." Amelia said and the line went dead.

"What the fuck." Kate whispered to herself.

"Are you ready?" Hyde asked.

"Yes sir." Kate answered. She wasn't a submissive person but she knew to make it out of this one alive- she would just have to be.

They walked to the table that was set up, men all in suits yet when it came time to hand out the cards they all took guns out of their pockets and sat them on the table.

"Let's begin." Hyde demanded the group.

They played for hours, Link paced outside for hours, he wanted to go in and save her, he didn't want to die, he had babies on the way and a wife that needed him.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." Kate thought, her cards were awful, they wouldn't win a thing unless some act of god happened.

She kept her poker face and kept playing. Hyde pressed his gun to the back of her head and she continued to play.

"Ms. Miller, turn over your cards." Hyde demanded. Everyone else had turned their cards- good cards.

Kate did as told and felt her heart fall as she knew- her cards weren't worth a thing in this game.


Kate walked to meet the man Hyde had told her in order to get the money he owed Hyde. Kate wasn't sure if she was going to die or if she would be okay.

The entire time Hyde held a gun to Kate's head. He walked only inches behind her and Kate could feel the blood in her veins run cold. She wouldn't admit out loud but she was scared.

"Okay bitch now, you're going to get me my money and then I'll tell you what to do after." Hyde screeched in Kate's ear.

She walked into the room to find an incredibly intimidating and terrifying man sitting across from her. She had to get out of here, if she didn't she'd most certainly die.

She negotiated with the man, she wasn't willing to do what he asked just to get the money.

"Okay doll face, you have sex with me and I'll give you the money." The man said.

"I don't even know your name Sir." Kate said her voice shaking.

"Connor Road." The man griped.

He made his way around his desk and began to run his hands on Kate's shoulders. They inched down towards her breasts.

"Sir, I haven't told you that can touch me." Kate demanded.

"You have no authority to tell me what I can and can't do." Connor said now touching her breasts.

Kate out of reflex elbowed the man in the throat to get him to loosen his grip- big mistake.

Connor took out his gun and shot the now running Kate in the back of her calf. Kate gathered up all the strength and her lower leg writhed in pain.

The blood was pouring out of the bullet wound and she threw the doors open. Hyde was waiting and he had seen everything.

He began to run behind Kate and shot her from behind in the shoulder. Her leg and arm aches but she knew she had to destroy them or they would come back for her.

Or worse they would come after Link and Amelia.


Kate had made it almost to the exit her arm was aching and so was her leg. She knew if she didn't destroy them they would destroy her. She threw herself outside and Link immediately panicked seeing her covered in blood.

"Link get the motor oil out your car." Kate said lightheaded from blood loss.

"What!?" Link yelled.

"Atty just do as I say." Kate demanded, she wanted to save her strength for either the most courageous thing she'll ever do or the thing that would cost her, her life.

"Fine here." Link said handing her the oil.

Kate stood up with all her strength and lit the match she had grabbed from the room. She lit it on the road and threw it into the oil.

She tossed it back through the doors as it erupted into flames and exploded.

Link watched in horror. Kate was able to let go in time but was thrown yards away due to impact.

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