Chapter 36: Loosing A Loved One

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Saturday, March 21


Link had jet set on his helicopter with Kate for an extremely quick trip to Utah. He had to go down there for a business meeting and Kate just wanted to go somewhere. It was one day thing they'd back by the morning.

The helicopter began to shake and Kate looked at Link with panic. Link tried to stabilize it and nothing was working. The helicopter began to shake and drop at the same time dipping up and down in the air. Kate tried to secure herself already planning that they were going to crash.

Crash. Everything went black for Kate, Link managed to unbuckle himself to see that Kate's side of the helicopter had crashed straight into a tree. She was bloody and bruised and he pulled her out of her seat.

She was gasping for air, begging Link to find somebody, anybody who would help them while Link was trying to wrap his head around what exactly had happened.

"Atty, Atty please get help, I need help. I cant feel anything below my waist please." Kate begged through tears. Link got up and began screaming into the sky praying someone would hear him.

"HELP HELP US PLEASE SOMEONE HELP US." Link screamed with all his power.

Link laid on the ground next to Kate, he held her hand and could feel her grip getting lighter by the second. He couldn't find his phone or her phone and the radio signal was gone by now.



Amelia scrubbed out of a craniotomy and was met with Derek at the door. She was confused and she could see in his face this couldn't be good.

"Derek what happened, who died?" Amelia asked her voice shaking.

"Amy listen, there's been an incident, Link's helicopter lost near some woods and they can't get a hold of him or Kate." Derek tried to explain as calmly as he could.

Amelia broke down in tears having to lean against the scrub room sink. She was making her self sick with sobs.

"He can't die Derek, we haven't had any time." Amelia sobbed.

"You guys will have plenty of time I'm sure they're finding him now." Derek reassured. Not really believing the words he said himself.

What would they do if Link didn't make it?


"Please Kate, hold on. Hold on for me." Link begged his best friend through tears. He had laid here for 4 hours not wanting to search for help, not wanting to leave her in fear he would come back and she would be gone.

"Atty, Atty. I'm not going to live. I want you to be happy. I want you to do everything that scares you." Kate said trying to hold back her own tears.

"Kate I'm happy with you alive. I was alone in the world for so long. Please don't leave me alone again." Link begged and begged Kate to live for him. He pushed her hair behind her ear and she smiled at him. That smile he loved so dearly.

"Oh Atty youve never been alone. You have Amelia, you'll be okay. I love you." Kate smiled. She didn't want to leave him, that was after all her best friend, her brother and her person. The person she called for a laugh, a drink, a long conversation after a hard day.

"Kate, you taught me to love. My life ended and began with you. I don't wanna live without you. Who do I go to if I don't have you?" Link sobbed, trying to cling to the little bit of life left in Kate.

"Atty stop talking. I want the last word for once. You are my favorite person in the world, I want the best for you. So be happy, be scared, be daring and be you. Be the Atty I fell in love with. I love you not like a boyfriend like my person. You made me who I am. Thank you for loving me, thank you for letting me love you. You'll be okay. I. Love. You. Atticus. Matthew. Lincoln." Kate said, as she took her last breath and her blues eyes closed for the last time.

She let out that breath and Link just cried. He cried for his first love, he cried for sister, he cried for Kate. He was alone again. Ground zero, round one.

"Kaitlyn Clara Miller, I love you too." Link made out through his tears. He kissed her cheek and just laid there for a moment.

Alone. He was alone again. Alone like when his parents died. It was all happening again.

"Take care of her mom and dad, she means a lot to me." Link said staring into the sky full of stars. He liked to believe the brightest ones were his parents, and now the very brightest one was Kate.

A/N: long chapter i know, the next couple will be interesting but we will pay some tribute to our girl Kate. thank you guys for all the love🥰

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