Chapter 35: Babysitting

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Tuesday, February 18

Hour 1

Link had just gotten all of Gracie's in his car with Bruno. Her clothes, toiletries, shoes, school bag, etc. He had to go pick up Amelia and figured Gracie would be a nice surprise at the end of a long day.

Bruno dropped them off and Gracie hopped out the car excited to see Amelia again. She held onto Link as he carried her inside and into the attending lounge. He opened the door smiling and the people that were in there Arizona, Callie, Carina, Meredith, Derek, Amelia, Teddy and Owen all cooed over the adorable 5 year old holding onto Link.

"Mia, Mia! Down Atty down." Gracie squealed seeing Amelia. She hopped off of Link and ran into Amelia's arms. Amelia smiled and picked the girl up where she was greeted with lots of kisses and a very big smile from Gracie.

"I assume you're happy to see me Gracie girl?" Amelia asked chuckling. Gracie beamed nodding her head and snuggling even closer to Amelia which melted Link's heart. Two of his very favorite people.

Hour 2
They were back at Link's penthouse and they were all starving. Abigail his chef opted to make them food and since Gracie was their guest they let her pick.

"Tacos!" She happily exclaimed, they were having tacos they concluded.

Amelia watched in admiration after dinner as Gracie begged to go swimming on a school night. She watched as Link would pick Gracie up like a sack of potatoes and sling her into the pool. He had to heat the pool because Seattle in the winter called for snow and freezing temps. The water had steam coming of it and Gracie was loving it.

They made hot chocolate and drank it in the pool. Amelia liked Gracie, not more than her own nieces and nephews but she was a very sweet kid like her uncle. Amelia was just grateful she didn't take her auntie Ana.

Hour 3

They had gotten showers and baths and put on pajamas. Gracie was snuggled up to Amelia while watching the Lion King. She sang along and had herself a grand old time watching this classic movie.

This hour taught Amelia something new and something her nieces and nephew didn't do- Gracie became a very pissed little girl when she didn't get her way.

"Gracie you can't have ice cream before bed you have school tomorrow." Amelia tried to reason with the 5 year old.

"You suck, Kate would let me have ice cream." Gracie whined back.

"Well Kate isn't here right now." Amelia said.

"I wish she was. I miss Kate." Gracie began to cry.

Link kissed Amelia's cheek and walked over to Gracie. He knelt down and wiped her tear away.

"I know you miss Kate sweet girl, she misses you Im sure. But Mia is so awesome and I won't give you ice cream now but we can eat it for breakfast okay?" Link said softly not wanting Gracie to loose it again.

She tearfully nodded and walked over to Amelia on the couch. Ashamed of how she acted she crawled onto the couch and buried her face in Amelia.

Hour 4

They had finally put down Gracie for sleep in the guest room and were now sitting on the couch in each other's arms.

"If you ever had kids what would you name them?" Amelia asked, wondering if perhaps his biological mother would be mentioned in there.

"I would use Isabella because Dove's middle name was Isabella. For a boy I don't know." Link answered staring off into the TV

"I would use Addie because my sister's name is Addie and maybe Charlotte." Amelia smiled thinking about her friends.

"I would throw Kate in there somewhere, she's my best friend and practically my sister ." Link said.

They had made it through the night of babysitting and no one had to pull their hair out.

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