Chapter 15: Halloween Is For Suckers

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Thursday, October 31 (Halloween)

"You want to break up?" Owen asked Amelia demandingly. He was upset, Teddy was having his baby but he was picking Amelia.

"Owen Teddy is having your baby, you and I have a crazy tumor relationship and I can't do it anymore. This is easier than the alternative." Amelia explained to him. She was ready for a fresh start.

"The alternative is loving me Amelia!" Owen exclaimed. He was hurt.

"No Owen the alternative is being a step mom to yours and Teddy's kid. You have Leo, Betty went back to her parents. There's nothing keeping us together anymore. So yes I'm breaking up with you." Amelia said, and with that she left.


Atticus had gotten the $4 million in cash. He was driving it to where Jack had disclosed their meeting. He hastily got out his car at the warehouse and walked in. Like promised Jack was waiting unarmed for him to arrive. "I give you this and Amelia doesn't get hurt?" Atticus checked for reassurance.

"Of course pretty boy, you got me the money I leave your girlfriend alone." Jack answered laughing.

"You better mean that." Atticus said, walking out of the building that gave him the major creeps.

"I leave her alone for now." Jack whispered to himself once Atticus was too far away to hear it.


Atticus pulled up at Grey+Sloan. It was Halloween and he didn't know how Amelia did Halloween but he knew how he did it. There was a costume party held every year at the home he grew up at. He wanted Amelia to be his date- this would be their first party as a real couple and he wanted it to be perfect.

He had asked her what she wanted them to go as and she replied- the roaring 20's. She wanted to be a flapper girl. As cheesy as Atticus thought it was, he agreed. Whatever his girl wanted. He walked in, in his costumes feeling silly because he was a grown man in a costume in a hospital. He saw Amelia and stopped in his tracks.

That gold flapper dress looked so good on her. He ran to her and spun her around. She smiled wide at him and said "see we make it work." Proud of her victory and getting her way. They made their way to Atticus' childhood home. Bruno was even dressed up as well. Holidays the staff was allowed to let loose and join in on the celebration. Bruno was dressed as Lurch from the Addams Family- fitting costume.

The party was interesting and music was playing. To Amelia's relief she had been informed Anastasia was down at a friend's home the entire night. Amelia and Atticus were sitting in the pool house and she said "can we play a game?"

"What game do you have in mind?" Atticus asked, he wasn't a big fan of anything fun to put it nicely. "21 questions" Amelia quickly suggested, not the basic ones like favorite color, shitty ones like that. She meant what about your traumatic childhood, why won't you let Kate touch you, why do you listen to your sister.

"Okay you can go first." Atticus said, he expected the most generic questions out of Amelia- favorite band, song, movie, color etc.

"Which one of your family members is your favorite?"

"Well of course Anastasia is, who is your favorite family member?"

"My brother Derek, what do you actually do at work?"

"I'm an entrepreneur and I run a company that makes investments. Why did you want to be a surgeon?"

"I wanted to help people. How did you meet Kate?"

"New Years party at the top of the Empire State Building, she grew up in Brooklyn. How did you meet Owen?"

"He is friends with my brother Derek. Why do you not like Halloween?"

"Halloween is for suckers and it brings up traumatic memories. Favorite city in the world?"

Rome, Italy. Did Kate move from Brooklyn to live with you when you dated?"

"Yes, she had a room at my place."

Those words confused Amelia- she had a room, did Kate not sleep in the bed with him?

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