Chapter 26: Kids?

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Thursday, January 23

Amelia was panicking. She was late, 5 days late. Her and Link were finally in the exact place she wanted them to be and now she didn't want to add kids on top of that. She sat in her office with Arizona and her sisters trying to not panic.

"I can't have a baby, I make brainless babies." Amelia panicked. Arizona and her sisters were attempting to calm her down but it wasn't doing a lot.

"You would make a perfect baby Amelia, and with yours and Link's genes that kid would be perfect." Maggie smiled, trying to make Amelia feel better.

"Plus Link had enough money to give that kid whatever the hell it could ever need plus a whole bunch of crap it probably won't need." Arizona joked. Amelia didn't find that joke funny at all.

"Okay I'm going to tell you the truth, just pee on the damn stick. Sitting here panicking like an idiot isn't helping your situation. If you are pregnant than that's between you and Link. If you aren't pregnant than you will be able to stop panicking." Meredith said. Amelia reluctantly agreed but was still nervous. They had barely scratched the surface of dating and now there could be a kid to worry about.

She left her sisters and Arizona and went to a supply closest. She got the test and while she missed seeing Link during the day she was grateful he didn't work with her on days like today. She knew Kate and Link must have had the kids conversation at some point so she called her and told her to meet her outside at the coffee cart.


"Okay okay okay I'm here." Kate said slightly out of breath as she had run from the parking lot to the coffee cart. They ordered and she sat down on a bench with Amelia.

"You drug me out here to sit in silence or fill me in here I'm a little confused." Kate said once catching her breath and sipping her coffee.

"I um I might be pregnant and I need to know if Link would want to be a father?" Amelia said nervously. Her nerves were certainly not helped when Kate almost spit out the sip of coffee she had taken a moment before.

"Oh my god Atty and a baby? Atty being a dad? You're really really funny I like you Amelia." Kate said laughing histerically, Amelia's face fell into despair and Kate immediately sat up.

"Oh oh my god you're serious okay. Um we had the kids talk a while ago but I didn't want kids because I wanted to see the world and do things, he always told me he had the worst parents that he would be the worst parent. So for us mutually we agreed no. But you aren't me so I recommend going home and asking him." Kate said with sincerity before getting up and going back to her hotel.


Link walked into his penthouse to find Amelia making waffles because in her words breakfast for dinner was the only thing she could make.

"Where is Gail?" Link asked referring to Abigail his cook.

"I gave her the night off so we could talk." Amelia smiled sliding him a plate of waffles.

Link sat down at the kitchen island as one would call it. They began eating and Amelia was so nervous about asking Link how he felt about kids. Of course she had to worry about what happened with Christopher happening again.

"Link what do you think about kids?" Amelia asked her voice shaking. She desperately hoped if she was pregnant he would have a better reaction than what Kate had told her.

"Kids? I mean I'm not father material plus I wanna give you the world first Amelia- then I can share you. I guess the long story short is I don't really care about having children at least not for now. Why do you ask?" Link said before taking a sip of coffee from his mug.

"Link I might be pregnant." Amelia spat out. She got even more worried when she saw the color drain out of Link's face.

They opted to take the test and needless to say those were the longest 3 minutes of both of their lives. The timer went off and while Link was more than relived to see the NEGATIVE pop up on that stick, Amelia was a little hurt with how adamant Link was against having children.

"You don't want kids with me?" Amelia pushed further. She knew it would upset him but she wanted answers.

"I don't want kids at all Amelia. Not now." Link said, he didn't want to bring the conversation back up. He had told her his answer and the stick was negative. He couldn't understand why she brought it back up.

"That wasn't my question Link." Amelia said getting upset.

"Okay fine the answer is I don't want kids, I didn't want them with Kate, I don't want them now. Kids deserve to have parents that want them. I cant promise I would want a kid right now. So let's end this conversation." Link pressed.

"We aren't done talking, I need context not just I don't want kids. I'd like to know why." Amelia said.

"You might not be done talking but I am." Link said. With that he got up from the couch, threw his jacket on and grabbed his keys. The door slammed and Amelia was left on the couch in shock.

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