Chapter 38: How To Save A Life

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Thursday, March 26

All the Grey+Sloan doctors were paged at 12:00 AM. They all knew the page was to save Link who was being flown in very shortly. They all scrambled to get up and get their ass to the hospital to be ready for when he came in. They forgot one important detail- who would keep an eye on the very frantic Amelia?

They all arrived at the hospital: Bailey, Webber, Derek, Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Alex, Jo, Stephanie, Andrew, Tom, Owen, Teddy, and Maggie. They all stood in gowns and gloves on the roof waiting for the helicopter. Amelia stood off to the side crying like a frantic fiancé instead of a doctor.

The helicopter touched down and they rolled Link out on a gurney and Kate on another. She couldn't be treated but they brought her so her family could bury her respectfully. Everyone rushed over to Link. His heartbeat was 50 beat per minute, his hand were purple and so were his feet. His lips were blue a sign of oxygen lost.

Most of his internal organs were damaged needing surgery, his heart had to be stronger before they could do anything. They got him warming blankets and took him to the ICU. If that was a big IF he made it through the night, they would open him up tomorrow and try to fix the damage. If he didn't make it through the night well he didn't make it through the night and that was that.


They woke up at 2:00 to find Link coding. Maggie and Teddy ran in and demanded to book an OR. Meredith and Webber weren't far behind them neither was Stephanie and Tom. One by one they all piled in and ran for the elevator.

Amelia sat with Arizona and Alex switching between crying and panicking. She just rambled for a good 20 minutes and they let her because they knew if they stopped her she might kill them.

"He might die and he's lost his biological parents and now he lost Kate, oh my god whats he gonna do without Kate? They were like combined at the hip for years. She was his person and whats he gonna do? I mean Kate saved me that one time and I just-." Amelia rambled on.

Arizona and Alex had no idea by what she meant when she said Kate saved her but they just let her continue.

"And Kate didn't deserve to die that way. We weren't as close as they were but she was so nice and funny even if she drank whiskey at 6 AM."

Link's family was panicking, they didn't want their son to die and at the exact same moment, Kate's family was grieving. They had lost their not so much a baby girl anymore but they still had lost her.

"Link loved Kate so much, she was the biggest influence in his life." Maureen said with sympathy and emotion.

"Thank you for letting Link have been in Kate's life, she made him such an incredible person." Eric said. They had all loved Kate as if she was one of their children. After her and Link broke up- the period of a few months were they wouldn't talk to each other broke Link's family.

They were used to having Kate around all the time, except now- Kate was gone forever.


Link was brought out of surgery and Amelia rushed to him. He woke up a few hours later and she cried tears of joy, she was so happy to see him but then immediately remembered Kate. He would remember what happened to Kate.

"Amelia, I love you." Link made out, his throat was dry and Amelia gave him water to help him.

"You scared me Link, I don't ever want to lose you." Amelia smiled through tears.

"You won't, I'm not going anywhere." Link kissed her. They laid in silence with each other for a moment and then.

"Kate died, she's gone. I'm all alone in the world again. I start over today. She died in my arms Amelia." Link said with his salty tears now streaming down his face.

Link never cried, but Kate was his exception. He just didn't understand. Why did he live and Kate die? Why did the universe love to ruin his life?

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