Chapter 23: Familiar Faces

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Amelia and Kate had walked back out front to return the keys to Mr. Bishop when Kate froze. Jack was sitting in a booth with his colleagues on the Nevada side of the hotel.

"Well well fucking well, Kate Miller it's been too long babe. Hasn't it?" Jack snarled at Kate.

"What the fuck are doing here Jack?" Kate asked trying to hide the anger in her voice.

"I'm here to meet my new friend Amelia but first I have a proposition for Amelia." Jake hissed towards the women as he got out of his seat walking in their direction.

Two men took them by the arms and slammed them into the booth. Amelia stared at Kate with her face white beginning to worry more about why Kate seemed so calm and unfazed by all of this.

"We are gonna play a game, which ever one of you wants to represent the two of you can. We will play a game of poker, winner gets whatever money is up for grabs but also wins you both your freedom. Lose and you lose your money and more importantly you lose Amelia's freedom." Jack said calmly as if it was no big deal what he was telling them.

"You have 20 minutes to get your affairs in order and to get dressed- Kate darling you should already know how I like to play." He said with a wicked grin on his face.

Kate took Amelia by the hand practically dragging her to her car. Amelia watched in confusion as Kate grabbed a large leather duffel bag and then ran to the front of her car grabbing extremely tinted sunglasses. Kate once again took Amelia's wrists and dragged her back into their hotel room.

She handed Amelia a tight red dress with geometric patterns at the top and Kate put on a champagne colored dress that anyone would be shocked even stayed on Kate for how thin the straps were. Kate pulled her hair into a loose ponytail and quickly did her makeup. Amelia put her dress and shoes on and sat and watched as Kate unzipped the duffel bag and pulled out a hand gun.

"Okay I'm gonna go ahead and assume you don't play poker. The sunglasses are so they can't see what my eyes are doing when I read my cards, the duffel bag is full of money, that I'm pretty much gambling away for your freedom but whatever and the gun well Jack tends to if there is a tie we break the with Russian Roulette." Kate explained quickly checking her watch seeing they only had 10 more minutes.

"Are you bat shit crazy Kate you could die!" Amelia exclaimed.

"So could you, you mean to much to Atty for to me throw in the towel easily. You're gonna sit in the booth and watch and no matter what happens you don't make a sound- you make them flinch or think we're cheating and they blow both of our heads right there. So please let me save you." Kate said hugging Amelia tightly.

"You're too good to me Kate, I don't even know why you're willing to do this." Amelia said with tears forming in her eyes.

"You and Atty haven't had anytime- you need all the time in the world to love each other unconditionally. Now don't say anything in there and just watch me play okay?" Kate asked of Amelia. Amelia nodded her clearly nervous and about to have a breakdown.

"Don't let them see the anxiety, walk tall and like you own the place." Kate said, with that they walked out of their hotel room. Duffel bag full of money and the gun, Kate's sunglasses sitting on the top of her head and Amelia beside her.

Kate walked back to the front entrance of the El Royale and threw the doors open with force and domination. Amelia stayed behind her as they walked down the small stairs, the clicks from their shoes following them.

Kate slammed her duffel bag on the table as Amelia took her seat in the booth right next to the round table they were playing at.

"You wanted to play Jack, then let's play." Kate said with a demanding tone, taking her seat right next to Jack himself.

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