Chapter 53: Lonely Days Are Gone

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Thursday, August 27

"Where am I?" A brunette said sitting up in a hospital bed.

"Dillard Medical Center ma'am." The doctor answered.

"How long have I been out?" She asked.

"About 5 months, you were brought here in March, hypothermic and low heart rate, with internal bleeding and organ tears." The doctor said.

"Do you know who you are, where you from, and how old you are Ms." The doctor asked.

"Kate Miller of Brooklyn, New York. I'm 32 years old." Kate answered.

"Well if you're awake and functioning you're welcome to go home, your clothes were washed and they are over there." The doctor gestured.

"Thank you." Kate said pulling herself out the bed.

The last she remembered was closing her eyes in the woods. She got dressed and walked out to the parking lot, forgetting of course she didn't have a car.

She called an uber and when asked where she gave the address of Link's penthouse.


"Atty?" She called out to no avail. She walked the entire penthouse. Nobody.

She went down to the parking garage, Link's BMW X5 was still there so he must still be paying for the penthouse she assumed.

She ran back to the penthouse and looked in the bowl at the entrance- score. The keys to the BMW were still in there. She was going to go to the one place she could find him always. His office.

She drove down the road at 75 miles an hour, Kate was never the safest driver. She could drive with her knees and screamed music while on the road and got road rage. She pulled quickly into a parking spot.

"Can I help- Kate?" Margaret asked.

"Yeah hi it's me I will explain everything later, is Atty in his office? I need to see him." Kate said smiling.

"He is, he will be extremely happy and surprised to know you aren't dead." Margaret said in shock.


"Come in." Link said signing his name on the bottom of papers.

"You should know who this is ATTY." Kate said.

Link's head shot up and his eyes filled with tears. He stood up and Kate ran to him. She jumped into his arms and he spun her around.

"You're here. You're here, you're alive. Please tell I'm not dreaming." Link said the tears free flowing now.

"Hey hey, don't cry. I'm here Atty, it's real. I'm okay. I'm okay." Kate said wiping his tears with her thumb.

"Oh my god, I thought you were dead you looked dead." Link said holding her close.

"You're going to suffocate me here, low heart rate and hypothermia but I'm here. I'm never leaving you again." Kate sighed.

"You missed so much, I'll catch you up, get your very much alive ass on my couch now." Link said.

They sat and Kate wrapped her arms around Link's shoulders. He melted at her touch and his heart felt healed seeing her again and having her with him. It was like a dream he never wanted to wake up from.

"I got married, Austin read your speech and everyone sobbed." Link began.

"I'm proud of Aus. Did he do my speech honor? Did he read it in the tone I wrote it in?" Kate questioned.

"Yes and Yes." Link laughed.

"That's good- HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT." Kate said pointing to the silver frame on Link's desk.

She picked up the frame and saw the ultrasound picture in it, this caused Kate's face to fall to the floor. She turned around to see Link beaming at her.

"IS AMELIA PREGNANT OH MY GOD!!" Kate exclaimed flopping back on the couch.

"Yeah she is, two perfect little girls." Link said with pride.


"Yes you get to be Auntie Kate." Link smiled.


"Hey babe, I have someone who wants to congratulate us on the little peanuts." Link yelled walking through the front door of the house.

Kate took off her heels as to not give away that she was here.

"Who is it babe?" Amelia said walking slowly towards the door her hand on her back.

"Congrats Amelia." Kate smiled wide stepping out from behind Link.

"Has pregnancy broken my brain like am I seeing things Link?" Amelia asked smiling.

"Nope I'm real." Kate joked.

Kate ran to Amelia and hugged her- as close as Amelia's bump would let her at least. Amelia's eyes had filled with tears and Kate told her the same thing she told Link.

"Hypothermia and low heart rate with internal injuries but I'm okay. I'm here. I'm not leaving you guys again." Kate laughed. 

Lonely days were gone. Kate was home.

A/N: Ahh dont hate me you guys! I missed writing for Kate and I felt she helps the story a lot so I brought back my favorite girl. Thanks for the inspo owenxxamelia

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