Chapter 16: The Day Amelia Met Kate

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Friday, November 8

Amelia woke up with a phone call from Atticus. It had gone to voicemail so she listened.

"Hey beautiful, Bruno will come get you tonight at 8:00- I want a night in just the two of us."


Amelia walked into work, already excited to go home. Cutting into brains brought her a rush but dating Atticus brought her another. A beautiful brunette woman with pale skin and eyes you stare until you can't anymore and a gap in her front teeth approached Amelia.

"You must be Amelia Shepherd, Atty told me all about you. I'm Kaitlyn Miller- you can call me Kate." The brunette sweetly smiled to Amelia. She wanted to meet in person the woman her friend adored so much.

"You're the Kate that wrote me the letter, I'm so glad to finally meet you." Amelia grinned at Kate.

"So I was playing twenty one questions with Atticus said when you lived with him you had a room- did you not sleep in the bed with him?" Amelia questioned.

"Atty has scars on his chest, during sex it's not a problem but other than that he doesn't want you to touch them. It brings back too many memories that he prefers to not remember. I stayed in a different room in the penthouse and I can only think of one time I slept in the same bed and it was right after we got engaged. So don't stress it and don't force it out of him, you might be different than me." Kate replied sincerely.

"Why are you so nice to me Kate, I'm literally dating your ex fiancé." Amelia wondered. She literally was stealing Kate's ex and she was just being so nice to her.

"Because I want Atty to be happy, you make him happy and I've moved on." Kate chuckled, Amelia could easily see why Link liked Kate so much- she was kind and nice, funny and unique and super pretty, Amelia felt less pretty sitting across from her than she did before Kate got here.

"So you don't hate me?" Amelia questioned

"No of course why would I? You're very nice and Atty likes you a lot and so do I." Kate smiled.

"His little sister torments me everytime I see her." Amelia sighed.

"I remember that, I don't tell people this but I used to do heroin and I've been clean for a long time but Anastasia found about that and told his entire family. Don't let her know you have faults, make her think you're perfect because then she doesn't have anything to use against you."Kate replied, clearly embarrassed.

"I'm an alcoholic and I used to do oxy, my fiancé OD'd in bed next to me and I had a baby with no brain." Amelia said quickly.

"So we aren't that different I guess." Kate smiled sweetly at Amelia.

"There's a part of his past I didn't tell you about in the letter but his parents- birth parents used to own a hotel, the El Royale. It's a creepy place and it sat on the border of California and Nevada. It's where he grew up basically and he will never take you, he never took me but if you want to learn more about who is I'll take you anytime you want. Or I can just send you the address and you're welcome to go on your own. But I wouldn't go alone if you're going for the first time." Kate said lowering her voice to almost a whisper.

Atticus has layers- some Amelia wasn't supposed to learn about.

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