Chapter 54: Just Like Old Times

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Thursday, September 3

Kate had been staying at Link and Amelia's for a week because Link didn't want her to go home. He had lost her once he wasn't gonna lose her again.

"For god's sake Kate put more clothes on." Link rolled his eyes getting coffee and starting breakfast.

"Your damn house is a castle I got lost finding  the stairs this morning." Charlotte said.

Amelia had invited Addison and Charlotte over for a few days while Link had Kate. Friendships were healthy for people right?

"Oh hush Atty I have clothes on, there are shorts underneath." Kaye laughed.

She had on a white V neck shirt that was three sizes too large so it hung off of Kate's shoulder and you could clearly see the black lace bra she had underneath.

"Good morning I got lost sorry." Addison said sitting at the table.

"I did a damn good on your house Atty. I'm proud of this." Kate bragged.

Amelia came down stairs with her hand on her back to stabilize herself. Pregnancy was not only taking a tole on her body physically, it had taken a tole on her confidence and self esteem.

She felt fat and not as sexy as she used to, Link constantly reminded her how beautiful she was, he always made sure she felt loved and appreciated and special.

He made her breakfast every morning and helped her with whatever she needed, back rubs, foot massages, cravings, mood swings.

"Good morning beauty." Link beamed at his wife.

"Morning to you too." Amelia said yawning.

"You tired?" Link asked.

"Babies are making me tired." Amelia said sitting at the counter with Charlotte and Addison.

To add on top having Kate- sexy, single and did we say sexy, Kate here wasn't helping her confidence considering Kate would walk around in clothes that were barely considered clothes. Especially her "pajamas".

She knew deep down she had nothing to fear but the pregnant and hormonal side of her worried about it.

"I swear to god Kate put clothes on like just put clothes on the neighbors don't want to see your entire legs and most likely your butt." Link yelled jokingly with her.

"Oh really that's sad I was gonna do a strip tease for them. They seem super nice and I need to introduce myself anyways." Kate joked back.

Needless to say hormonal Amelia was no longer a fan of Kate's jokes. But Link and Kate had planned an activity for everyone in the house today.


"Link I can't figure skate while pregnant, I can barely walk." Amelia said.

"I know you guys will watch, Kate is going to teach Meredith, Derek, Zola, Sofia, Callie, Arizona, Charlotte and Addison to skate." Link smiled.

"Play me some music Atty." Kate yelled as all their friends eyes were on her.

He did as told, he had chosen Poker Face, it matched Kate's personality. And boy could Kate skate, she had skills.

Zola and Sofia were totally obsessed with the turns and jumps Kate could do. The quick intense turns had the little girls squealing.

As much as Amelia didn't want to she had to admit Kate had true talent, which in her mind was another reason for Link to leave her.

She was fat, Kate was skinny, Kate could skate and Amelia couldn't. Rational Amelia knew these weren't true but hormonal Amelia got in her own head.

"GO KATE. THATS MY GIRL." Link yelled from the seats.


She skated back to the edge of the rink and that made the girls quickly get up so they could learn to.


Kate had gotten the girls to understand the basic movements and how to glide on the ice with our falling and hurting themselves.

She had instructed Callie and Arizona along with Derek and Meredith too so that they could help stabilize the girls.

Link was skating with everyone and Kate noticed how Amelia had been weird the past two days so she opted to get herself off the ice and go talk to her.

"Hey Amelia have I done something that offended you?" Kate asked calmly.

"No." Amelia scoffed.

"If I have please tell me or if you want me to leave I will, I'm just staying because Atty asked me to." Kate said.

"No it's nothing now leave me alone." Amelia rolled her eyes.

"It's not nothing. Please tell me, I love when we get along we work well together." Kate smiled.

"It's just- you are you Kate. You're skinny and you're hot, you've got game and I do not look sexy right now and I definitely don't feel it. I just don't want Link to wake up one day and realize he could have so much better than me because it's standing right in front of him." Amelia confessed with tears.

"Oh Amelia, I'm so sorry. Atty adores you more than life and when we hang out you are all he talks about. Trust me he wouldn't ever want me again- Im like his sister the thought of ever dating me or sleeping with me makes us both want to throw up. I'll try to be more self aware when getting dressed. But I'm sorry. You are doing the most incredible thing though- you're growing his babies. You're giving these tiny humans life. It's remarkable if you asked me but I will be more self aware." Kate smiled.

"Thank you Kate sorry if I was crappy." Amelia laughed.

"You're hormonal it's okay, also people have said way worse to me than put more clothes on." Kate giggled.

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