Chapter 2: Pleasure To Meet You

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Monday, September 18th

Amelia looked at this strange man in front of her- his features soft yet assertive. He had a aura to him, he was confident and sure of himself. He looked directly at her and she wasn't quite sure what to do- no one had ever intimidated her this much.

"Atticus Lincoln, CEO of Lincoln Enterprises. I assume you must be Dr. Amelia Shepherd?" He said calmly and assertively. His face relaxed as he shook her hand.

"Yes that's thats- me I'm Dr. Shepherd. Can I help you Mr. Lincoln?" The neurosurgeon replied nervous of what this man would say. The man explained his need for a surgeon to take a look at his receptionist scans.

Amelia led him to her office, he sat across from her- straight up with perfect posture and pulled out the briefcase, he unlocked the clips on the front and lifted the lid. Carefully he took out the brain scans of Margaret- his receptionist. He slid them to her and watched as her eyes grew wide at the joy of being able to cut.

She contemplated for a moment before explaining how basic of a tumor it was and how she could easily remove it in a few days at least. He was touched by how dedicated she was to her work.

Amelia walked him out and back down to the front lobby. He took out an envelope from his pocket. He carefully place it in her hands "for all the dedication and kindness you've shown me this afternoon Dr. Shepherd."

"It was no problem Mr. Lincoln, it was a pleasure meeting you." the brunette said as he began to walk away, leaving her her all alone down in the lobby. As she opened the envelope to find $700 dollars and a card, a business card "Lincoln Enterprise- CEO Mr. Atticus Matthew Lincoln. 206-980-0243" That got her thinking about more than just the brain surgery she would do.

Amelia walked into the cafeteria to sit with Alex, Jo, Meredith, Derek, Callie and Arizona. She sat next to Arizona with her tray and bottle of juice. They were all having casual conversations about relationships, surgeries but Amelia only had one thing on her mind- who was that man who gave her $700 for only giving a consult.

"Who is Atticus Lincoln and why did he give me $700 for just a consult for his receptionist? Am I going crazy, do normal people just hand their doctors random amounts of cash?" Amelia questioned.

"Are you crazy woman? Like do you live in a bat cave?" Alex spat out almost choking on his slice of pizza.

"He owns Lincoln Enterprises, it's some entrepreneurial and investment company. The man is the richest man in Washington State maybe the country. He has a net worth of 2.7 billion not million billion Amelia." The brunette's brother explained to her.

"Don't forget he's also super cute and a totally eligible bachelor but every girlfriend he has ever had hasn't lasted longer than a few months." The perky blonde Arizona chimed in, informing her friend.

Amelia sat with the information, Mr. Lincoln intimidated her but intimidating like a haunted house- you're afraid but curiosity often gets the best of you. And Amelia's curiosity was peaked.

A/N: another short chapter, i promise they will get more interesting i'm just trying to get a good foundation before i add in drama and love!! thanks for al, the love on my other stories as well!!

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