Chapter 65: A Perfect Christmas

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Friday, December 25

It was Christmas morning. It was Amelia and Link's second Christmas together but their first as a married couple and as parents.

"Merry Christmas." Amelia smiled kissing her husband's cheek.

"Merry Christmas beautiful." Link smiled holding her close.

"It's our first Christmas with babies." Amelia beamed.

"I'm shocked our babies aren't up yet." Link laughed.

Amelia and Link got out of bed and walked into their daughter's room. They saw Kate with their giggling girls on the floor.

"You know Bella and Addie. You guys have really good parents- the best. Your daddy will give you the world, he will move mountains to make you happy. Then there's your mommy, she is so loving and so incredible. You guys are gonna always be loved. You guys have the best genes too, I wish I was you guys. Merry Christmas cuties. I'll give your gifts later." Kate cooed.


Amelia and Link laid out all the Christmas gifts in preparation for the people that would be in their house very soon.

Meredith+Derek, Zola, Bailey, Ellis, Maggie, Arizona, Carina and Andrew from Amelia's side along with Jo and Alex. From Link's side would be Kate, Eric, Maureen, Isadora, Anastasia- Amelia dreaded it, Austin, Della, and Gracie.

Amelia and Link had gone all out. Amelia got every last thing on the kids lists. Link had gotten Amelia the thing, a brand new pair of diamond earrings.

He practically didn't know what to buy her because he had given her everything.

DeLuca like Kate, everyone except Kate knew it. He wanted to use Christmas to properly ask her to be his girlfriend.

The dress code you could say casual- Christmas pajamas for each side. A certain set for Amelia's side and certain set for Link's side.

Everyone arrived and began to eat breakfast made by Kate and Link. Somehow managing to not burn down the house.


"Okay gifts, kids go first." Amelia smiled.

Zola, Bailey and Ellis opened their gifts and their faces lit up with joy. They giggled and squealed running over to everyone giving hugs and thanking them.

Gracie and Anastasia went next as they were the only kids on Link's side. Gracie smiled and cheered and Anastasia put on her notorious fake smile that everyone on Amelia's side could see right through.

It was time for Link to give Amelia his favorite gift. He handed her the box wrapped in silver paper and white ribbon.

She opened it and her mouth fell open and tears filled her eyes.

"Link it's beautiful." Amelia said.

"Beautiful earrings for a beautiful girl." Link said kissing Amelia.

Bella and Addie started to giggle while being held and that caused everyone to get wide smiles.

"I think they approve as well." Amelia laughed.

"Do my little princesses like it? Daddy will get you both when you get a little bigger." Link said in soft voice that melted Amelia's heart.


"Hey Kate." Andrew smiled.

"Hey stranger." Kate laughed holding her hot chocolate.

"I was going to ask you something." Andrew said getting nervous.

"Okay go for it." Kate smiled before sipping her drink.

"I get it, you don't like relationships, they aren't your thing. I got your message but I really really like you Kate, you are so much fun to be around and your smile makes my heart flutter so I was hoping that just maybe you would give me a chance?" Andrew asked.

"Okay." Kate smiled.

"What does that-" Andrew asked.

Kate interrupted him by crashing her lips onto his and gripping the front of Andrew's pajama shirt.

"It means, I'm willing to give us a chance, because I really like you too." Kate smiled.

"Hey Atty guess what!?" Kate yelled.

"What Kate?" Link asked.

"I'm going on a date soon." Kate smiled.

"With?" Link asked.

"That'd be me." Andrew laughed.

"Okay just listen, I have a lot of money and a lot of connections, you break her heart, I will break your world." Link said.

"Atty don't scare him away from me." Kate laughed.

"Yes sir." Andrew said scared.

"Don't let him scare you." Kate laughed.


"I never knew when I agreed to go to lunch with you I would have this whole life with you Link." Amelia said putting on her earrings for the party they were attending.

"I had a feeling, but then again you made me feel a lot of things." Link said kissing Amelia's neck.

"If you do that we're gonna be late and Kate will kill us." Amelia moaned.

"Sometimes you have to be late right?" Link said hitting her pulse point.

"Mhm." Amelia said closing her eyes.

"Tonight isn't one of those times." Link said pulling away from her neck.

"You will pay for that Mr. Lincoln." Amelia said frustrated.

"Oh I intend to Mrs. Lincoln, but you do look mighty fine." Link added before walking out.

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