Chapter 16.2

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Chapter 16.2

I took several deep breaths, struggling to wake up. My head pounded against my skull.

What happened last night?

I couldn't remember getting black out drunk, in fact, I didn't remember drinking at all.

I really am going to be an alcoholic.

I mean this is the start, right: getting so drunk you didn't even remember drinking?

I let out a small groan, feeling like I had just been hit by a bus.

I take a deep breath, the smell of strawberries and cologne hitting my nostrils. That's odd. I keep my eyes squeezed shut, attempting to block out the light that was streaming in from the large windows.

I shuffle closer to the warm object beside me. My arm draped across it, the smooth skin running under my hand.

I jump back immediately, my eyes bolting open. despite the pain.

Liam lays beside me, fast asleep, his hair a complete mess, his mouth parted open slightly and an absence of a shirt. As for the rest of his clothes, I couldn't be sure whether or not they were there as his lower half was covered by a blanket.

It's okay. Most guys sleep without a shirt on, right?

But one glance down at my lacy underwear, and nothing else, I'm sent into full blown panic.

Crap, I had drunk sex with Liam!

I let out a small yelp as the realization hits me, pushing myself as far away from Liam as I can. I moan in pain, my head retaliating for the sudden movement.

Oh. My. Goodness. Help.

He stirs in his sleep, groaning as he struggles to wake up. "What?" He mumbles.

What? What. What would be that we were currently in bed, naked.

What happened last night?

I royally screwed up. I couldn't believe I would do something so stupid. This would ruin any shot of an actual relationship that I had with Liam. It would ruin a shot of any form of relationship actually. There was no way we could be friends after this.

Liam reluctantly opens his eyes, not at all surprised by my presence.

This doesn't make any sense.

I figured I should give him a chance to explain, praying that he had a good explanation or that he could at least tell me why I was in his bed after going to a party he didn't even attend.

Oh let's face it, how could there be a good explanation for this.

I was sitting in the guest room that I absolutely despised and refused to go into, in only my underwear, and Liam wasn't wearing a shirt.

This looks really bad.

"What's wrong?" His voice was deeper than usual, probably because he had just woken up.

Wow that's attractive.

Not the point! Still half dressed!

I tried to shake the thought away, attempting to focus on the task in front of me.

Liam opened his eyes, turning his attention towards me. His eyes snapped shut as he saw my attire. "Crap, I forgot about that!" He muttered, keeping his eyes closed.

So he knew I was half naked. Great.

What happened last night?

He reached his hand behind him, moving it around, knocking various objects off the nightstand until he found what he was looking for. He passed me his t-shirt. I quickly slipped it on, the length covering my body.

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