Chapter 13.1

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Chapter thirteen
Athena and I stared at the mirror taking a bunch of photos. We were currently dressed in all red and white, school colors, along with our respective boyfriends letterman jackets and jerseys. Red and white paint spread across our face as though we were going to war.

Tonight was the homecoming game, the theme: school spirit. We clearly fit the description.

It was also Liam's big night. I spent most of the day calming him down, he was a nervous wreck.

I laughed at our ridiculous faces in the mirror. My phone pinged, signaling that Taylor and Veronica were here to pick us up. "Come on," I dragged Athena out.

The car was unusually dim, compared to our normal Friday nights. There was no bustling of loud music, no cheering, no singing, nothing. It was simply... vacant.

Taylor lay slumped in the driver's seat, tracing the lines of the dragon tattoo on her arm.

It was fairly new, drawn by me, tattooed illegally. Lilly held Taylor's hand the entire time her skin was being needled.

Veronica sat beside her, a goofy smile on her face as she texted someone.

We must have been in a parallel universe: the player falling a girl. I never thought I would see the day.

Athena and I crawled in, greatly confused by the silence. This never happened.

Taylor started the car, pulling out of the driveway without a second thought.

I stared at Veronica and Taylor, noticing the missing member. "Where's Lilly?"

Veronicas eyes widened as she slid her hand across her throat, signaling for me to shut up.

Taylor's grip on the wheel tightened, "She'll meet us there,"

Athena spoke next, "How's she getting a ride?"

Lilly had yet to get her license, mostly having Taylor drive her around. Taylor was always happy to oblige.

Taylor's knuckled nearly turned white from how tight her grip was, "Her new boyfriends picking her up,"

Uh oh. This can't be good.

Lilly had never even mentioned a candidate for a new boyfriend.

No wonder Taylor was so upset.

"Has anyone met this so-called boyfriend?" Veronica questioned, realizing there was no way to drop the subject now that it had been brought up.

We all shook our heads, except for Taylor. Her jaw clenched, "He not good enough for her,"

And in Taylor's mind, no one would be good enough for Lilly, especially not herself.

The entire rest of the ride was silent. Nobody spoke, aside from small talk, an attempt to keep Taylor's mind off Lilly.

The parking lot was crammed with cars, various cliques of students trying to push their ways through, not the least bit worried of getting run over. The parking lot was smeared in hues of red and white, whether it be paint, banners, clothing, makeup, or even streamers.

The homecoming game was the biggest game of the season.

Athena and I kept our dresses in their respective bags, being sure not to mess them up.

Liam and Sam had been selected as nominees for homecoming King and Athena for queen, no shocker there. The real surprise was when my name was called alongside theirs. I guess it made sense, I was dating the star quarterback, who I supposedly 'stole' from the head cheerleader. Our school lives for drama, my guess is they're hoping for a cat fight. If I got crowned queen, Tara would go ballistic. If she got crowned, I couldn't care less. It's a plastic tiara from the dollar store. She can have it.

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