Chapter 22.2

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Chapter 22.2
I peeled myself off the sidewalk, which was already coated in my blood. My head pounded against my skull, momentarily soothing my cravings, suppressing the need for release. The pain was almost pleasurable, more desirable than my previous state.

I took several raspy breaths, wobbling to stand on my feet, my heels thay Bradley had insisted on my wearing not at all suitable for walking.

I didn't bother taking them off, liking the way they cut into my skin, stopping the previous tremor in my leg.

I stumbled down the sidewalk, dragging my body along with me, pushing my emotions down. I refused to cry, because if I started crying right now, I would never stop. So I let my face turn to stone, disassociating from the world.

Blood dripped down my left arm, leaving a small trail behind me as I trekked in the direction I believed Tara's house to be in. And for a second it felt like I was watching from the outside, like I was watching my own body run through the motions without having any control over my actions.

The sun beat down on me, making the winter air a bit warmer, making up for the lack of a jacket.

I wiped my cheek, my sleeve quickly becoming stained crimson.

I'm sure I must have looked insane to passersby but no one bothered to ask if I was okay, allowing me to drag myself the four miles I had left to reach her house.

Sweat coated my body, matting my hair to my forehead. The blood had long dried, crusting to my face. I had never looked worse but I had never felt better, the feeling of complete emptiness.

It was almost soothing, far better than what I had been experiencing. It was almost excruciating trying to lay off the drugs, to suppress my primal urges and cling onto the little bit of sanity I had left.

Tara's house finally came into a view, a familiar car parked on the side of the room but I was too far out of my head to even process my sights as I nearly kicked the door open, tripping into Tara's house.

Her head shot towards me but I remained motionless staring at her hand grasping into Liam's, their body's incredibly close.

I took harsh breaths through my nose, feeling the dam of emotions about to burst.

Of course he would get back together with her, after all, he was only dating me to make her jealous. It makes total sense. Why wouldn't he? She was so much better for him than I was.

He had no reason to wait for me, I was never coming back. Tara was the next logical option, she could give him everything I couldn't.

We were broken up, I had no right to be upset. He could do whatever he wanted.

Tara let out a relieved breath, "Sapphire! Thank goodness, I was so worried about you." She let go of Liam's hand, rushing over to hug me.

She pulled me into a hug, examining my cuts, "What happened? Did he do this to you?"

Her words went in one ear and out the other as my eyes locked with Liam's. He looked as good as ever, his piercing blue eyes staring right back at me. His hair had been left in its natural state, making him appear as adorable as ever.

His eyes never left mine, staring at me intently but I couldn't read his emotions.

For a second I questioned if this was just another cruel dream. I almost would have preferred it to be a dream. The thought of his dating Tara again made maid spin but it made so much sense it couldn't have been make believe.

"I'm sorry," my lip quivered, "I didn't, um, I didn't, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm sorry."

I spun around, sprinting out of the room, the dam crashing over as tears spilled down my cheeks, the extent of my injuries as my wounds burned, making me cry out in pain as I was sucked back into my body, a place I didn't want to be.

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