Chapter 24.1

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Chapter twenty four
"Sapphire, it's so lovely to see you again." Mrs. Harding gave me a warm and friendly smile.

My face dropped, my lip quivering and suddenly I was gripping onto Chase just as much as he was me, pure confusion leaving me terrified.

Chase glanced around, his face innocent and fearful as he tried to figure out what was happening, re-examining the house over and over again to double check if it was really Liam's house. I was doing the same.

When neither of us answered, she continued. "Come in! Come in! You must be freezing out there," she stepped to the side, holding the door open for us.

The officer escorted us in, blocking the exit subtly, though Chase and I noticed immediately. Every officer did this, especially after so many children try to run away.

"Would you like something to drink?" Mrs. Harding offered, wiping her sweaty hands on her skirt.

We shook our head, too stressed to even think about drinking water.

She frowned, quickly covering it up, desperately trying to make us feel safe.

The officer called her off to the side to have the routinal  conversation that was legally required.

"What's going on?" Chase whispered, his eyes wide.

I shook my head, rubbing his back gently, "I wish I could tell you."

Their conversation dragged on for ages, leaving Chase and me jumping in anticipation.

It felt like years before she finally returned. Chase and I hadn't bothered moving from our spots, trembling in each other's arms.

I felt like a child again, a scrawny teenager with no control about what was going to happen, my only thought being of surviving, of getting out of this alive. Except this time it wasn't me I was worried about. I was eighteen, I had control over my life. Chase, on the other hand, did not. And that was almost more terrifying.

Mrs. Harding gave me a warm and friendly smile, the wrinkles on her face creasing. Her dark hair curled around her face. She wasn't the type to color her grey hairs and she showed them off proudly, looking beautiful.

It was stunning how similar her and Liam appeared, the same strong jaw line, friendly eyes, the small span of freckles across both of their noses. Liam certainly hadn't inherited her height though, as I towered over her, making her much less intimidating.

She wiped her palms on her apron once more, appearing just as nervous as we were. "It's been a long time since I've done this," she chuckled breathlessly.

"What's going on?" I questioned, shielding Chase from her. He let me take control.

"Why don't we talk about all of that in the morning? You guys look like you could use the rest."

It was well past midnight and she was right, we did need the sleep, but we also needed answers.

"I can show you to your room. I'll get you some clean clothes and tomorrow we can go and grab things from your old house-"

Old house. As in no longer ours. We really were getting removed. What was I supposed to do if they tried to take Chase away again? Mrs. Harding couldn't protect him forever. Plus, she must hate me for what I did to Liam.

I tried to push Liam to the back of my mind, knowing I had far bigger things to worry about at the moment. I was too ashamed by what I had done to even think about it, especially in the presence of his mother. I could only imagine the horrid things she was thinking about me.

The rest of her words blurred by, my mind too consumed by my own thoughts. I hadn't even realized when she had led us to the guest room and handed us a spare set of clothes. Mine were the same pair of Liam's sweats I had always worn when I stayed the night with him. They still smelled like him: strawberries and cologne.

Chase and I changed in opposite corners of the room, too nervous to leave each other's side.

The room was just as creepy as I remembered it, dark and vacant, but something was different. While I had once complained about it lacking personality, resembling a prison cell, it now had pops of colors here and there. Paintings had been hung on the wall, a rug had been inserted, drawing supplies had been scattered atop the dresser, colorful curtains had been added. It was clear someone had tried to make the room seem more lively, the simple gesture made my heart tinge a little and made the thought of sleeping here far less unsettling.

Chase sighed, the tension in the room still high. I didn't know if he truly forgiven me, or if he even knew why I had stayed with Bradley. He was scared when he said all those things to me, I couldn't be sure if he meant it.

"Chase," I started, swallowing the lump in my throat. I had to tell him, he deserved to know. "I can explain, this time I really can."

He sucked in a deep breath, not saying a word but simply giving me a nod and sitting on the bed. I joined him, ignoring the acid coating my throat and the dryness of my mouth. I started from the top, telling him the glamoured version of everything. I would tell him the truth but I would not make him suffer with the gory details, more did I wish to endure them again myself. If I could forget everything Bradley did to me, everything he made me do, I would.

Chase waited for me to finish everything, letting me take my time and not pushing me when I needed to take a break. He listened patiently, giving me a second chance.

I had missed him so much, most of all. I couldn't imagine a life without him, he was my little brother, he was my whole world, without him, I wasn't sure I would have survived.

When I was finally finished, he paused for a moment, taking everything in. "Thank you." He whispered.

And then he did the most shocking thing of all. He took off his shirt.

Chase never allowed anyone to see him without a shirt on, not even me, it was his biggest insecurity. For him to stand in front of me, every scar on his body on display, reminders of the horrors he'd experienced before we had met, was truly amazing.

It was his way of telling me he truly trusted me, that he forgave me.

He didn't cover up, allowing me to finally see the scars he had spent years hiding. I had gotten a glimpse before of the one on his shoulder; the word 'MISTAKE' etched into his skin. There were two other words scribbled across his body, the scars faded ever so slightly that you almost couldn't tell what the words are, though I'm sure he would never forget them. He would never forget the tourture he was forced to face at such a young age.

I had known Chase had been shot before but I never expected to see the three small, circular scars from the bullets that were placed in the same area of his heart. It was a miracle he was alive.

I pulled him into a hug, not bothering to conceal my tears as the two of us cried. I cried for him, and what he had been through. I cried for myself. I cried for Athena and Sam, I cried for my Maverick and my mother. I cried for everything and everyone in my life.

He did the same.

Hey guys!! Swimming is officially over so hopefully I can actually write a lot more now.

Would you guys be interested in seeing a book on Chase? I have a bit of a backstory planned for him and some story ideas but I wasn't sure if anyone would really be interested in it.

I'm so excited to write the next few chapters, I have a lot planned.

Let me know what you guys think :)

Lots of love,
Rachelle <3

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