Chapter 1

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Chapter One
"Get me out of here!" I screamed at my best friend Athena.

Let me explain, I am currently in the girls bathroom hiding from a guy who I met ten minutes ago who apparently thinks my eyes are on my chest. This was all thanks to Athena. I should have known when she wanted to have a girls night out there had to be a catch. One minute we're going to different shops looking at cute clothes, hot boys and, of course the most important thing, food, and then all of sudden I'm being placed at a table with some guy I've never even met before.

"Come on Sapphire, just give him a chance," she tried to reason.

I glared at her, even though she couldn't see me. "Johanna Athena Harris," I could practically hear her cringe at the use of her full name, "if you don't get me out of here I swear I will tell Sam Bentley all about the creepy album in your phone that filled with pictures of him!" Though I would never actually do this to her, threatening to embarrass Athena in front of the guy she's had a major crush on since freshman year was about the only way I was getting out of her.

Thanks to mother nature's many mood swings, it was currently below zero even though it was in the forties yesterday. That's Indiana for you, where mother nature has more mood swings than I do on my period. Since I didn't listen to my mother after she relentlessly chastised me to bring a coat, I was left defenseless against the brash weather and was unfortunately stranded here unless Athena came back for me.

"Fine, fine!" Athena pleaded, "Truce, okay? You stay for a half an hour and then I will come pick you up. Please just give this guy a chance,"

I grumbled. This was the fifth blind date Athena had set me up on this month, and it's only the twelfth. She has some crazy obsession with trying to find me a boyfriend. I've assured her that I'm perfectly content with marrying food. Who needed a guy when you could have fries? That's my life motto, unfortunately Athena had other ideas. "Okay, half an hour, that's all he gets! And if he stares at my boobs one more time I am personally going to throw not only my cup of coffee but his as well, both of which he made me pay for, directly on his head. And don't worry my cup of coffee will remain full, just in case, because this imbecile thought it would be romantic to order straight black coffee for me even though he's never met me before and I despise coffee almost as much as him," I'm not saying the guy has to pay for everything on a dat, but for a date that I didn't want to go one, nor had any interest in, he could have at least paid for his own cup of coffee or let me order for myself.

Athena paused briefly before speaking, "Okay, so maybe he's not the love of you life but think about it, you're one guy closer to finding your true love,"

I narrowed my eyes at absolutely nothing because unfortunately Athena was not here for me to actually glare at her, "Love is a lie," and with that I hung up the phone and started a thirty minute timer.

"Amen!" I heard the girl, who must be in her late thirties, next to me cheer. She had been listening to my entire conversation and, by the looks of it, isn't having too great of a night. Mascara dripped down her face, ruining her flawless makeup which surely took her hours. She took a huge swig from the flask which was conveniently resting in her Gucci bag. This girl seemed far too rich to be crying in the bathroom of a coffee shop whose specialty is tea, because that makes total sense.

I gave her a tight smile and offered her a tissue from my bag. She gladly took it and wiped her black tears. I rested my hand on the door handle taking a deep breath. This is going to be the longest thirty minutes of my life. And with that thought I triumphantly walked out of the sanctuary that was the bathroom and took a seat next to my date.

His eyes were glued to his phone screen, which I was amazed that he could see considering his bangs covered his eyes. "That sure took you awhile," he sneered, not bothering to look at me, "If you're having lady issues I sure don't want to hear about your cramps and I won't go buy you any of those nasty products you girls use. So if that's case let me know now because you can't suck it up and deal with the pain, just like any guy could, then I'm leaving,"

It All Started With A DealOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant