Chapter 21

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Chapter twenty one
**** trigger warning****
Sapphire's POV
I stumbled home around eleven thirty after Bradley decided I was going to walk home.

Tara listened to me the whole night but we both came to the same conclusion, there was nothing I could do that wouldn't hurt Chase.

I fiddled with the flash drive in my hand, sighing as I kicked up my floorboard, setting the flash drive beside Liam's bracelet. I hesitated, pulling the bracelet out of the box.

I clutched it in my palm, not letting myself cry again, before placing it back in the box and closing up the floorboard.

That part of my life was over, as much as I hated to admit it.

I shrugged off my coat, relieved to finally change out of my dress and into sweats, which just so happened to be Liam, just one of the many things I had stolen from him.

They were still too big for me but I didn't mind.

I didn't bother washing my face or combing my hair as I passed the sink, lingering by the bathroom door to scroll through my phone. The little icon flashed two new messages and I absentmindedly opened them.

The first one was from Ms. Iris, the second was from Leah Marlot.

My heart dropped. My portfolio was due last week and I had totally forgotten to submit it.

I opened the one from Ms. Iris first. It read:

Dear Sapphire,
I just wanted to make sure everything was well with you and your family. Ms. Marlot informed me that you had failed to turn in your portfolio. I can't imagine that you would waste an opportunity like this without good reasoning. I'm sure we can work something out with Ms. Marlot, she is a very understanding woman.
Ms. Iris

What was I supposed to tell her? I certainly couldn't tell her about Charles or Bradley.

I opened the one from Leah Marlot next.

Dear Sapphire,
I am sorry to inform you that I have someone else to fill the position you have applied for due to the lack of your portfolio. Perhaps we can collaborate another time when you are more prepared.
Thank you,
Leah Marlot

That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I collapsed to the floor, any hope I had left completely dissipating. My heart of glass had shattered, the sharp remains cutting into my veins.

I can't do this anymore.

I stared at the razor blade sitting on the corner of the bath, the offer oddly tempting. My body trembled, whether that was from withdrawals or pain I couldn't be sure because right now I was completely void of any feeling.

My shaky fingers reached out for the blade, the sound of my phone pinging stopping me.

The time read midnight, exactly as Liam's name flashed on my screen, the message reading 'Happy Birthday'.

Happy birthday? Happy birthday.

It was my birthday, I'm finally eighteen.

This was not how I had imagined I'd be spending my birthday. My breathing ragged, I grabbed my cell phone, throwing it so hard against the bathroom wall that it cracked, as I let out a scream no longer able to sit up as I laid on the bathroom floor, staring up at the ceiling.

Chapter Twenty One
Liam's POV
I rolled over in my bed, tossing the pillow over my head in an attempt to finally fall asleep.

I had been doing this for hours, with no luck obviously as I was still wide awake.

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