Chapter 4

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Chapter four
My eyes fluttered open. I yawned, stretching my arms. They hit the back of the couch. My eyebrows drew together. The couch?

I frantically turned to look around. Sure enough, I was laying on the couch in my living room. My breath quickened as I rushed to get up and make it to my room before anyone saw me. Charles would have a fit if he saw me on the couch.

"Relax, I'm the only one home," a voice from behind me read my thoughts.

I let out a deep breath, "Hi Chase,"

He chuckled, "So who was the boy that brought you home?"

I tilted me head at him. It took me a moment to realize who he was talking about, "Oh, Liam's that's my boyfriend,"

Chase's eyes practically popped out of his head, "Woah, that's risky. You know Dad's going to kill you if he find out,"

"Yes I'm fully aware. That's why the plan is that he won't find out, hopefully,"

Chase crossed his arms, "So when did this happen and why didn't you tell your own brother?"

I gave chase a sheepish smile.

Chase was quite a bit younger than me, being an eight grader. His dusty brown hair and brown eyes mirrored mine and it was almost impossible to tell that we weren't related by blood.

It was obvious the two of us weren't blood related to Brandon, a fact that I was thankful for.

"It's not a huge deal. I'm pretty sure he's not over his ex anyway so it probably won't amount to anything,"

Chase didn't seem to believe me. He raised one eyebrow, "The guy carried you into our house bridal style. He looks like a freakin supermodel, you better hope it amounts to something. I bet his families rich too,"

Chase wasn't wrong. The Harding's were very rich. I've been over to Liam's house once and it was three times the size of our janky one story house.

Chase took my silence as an answer, "Oh my gosh he is rich. Dude, marry him! Lock that down,"

I giggled at my brother's ridiculousness. I waited a moment before speaking again, "So where is everyone else?"

Chase took a sip of his coffee. I didn't know how he could stand that stuff. "Mom's at work, Dad's probably somewhere getting drunk and Brandon never came home last night,"

I'm sure Brandon was with Tara, no doubt having a good time. I cringed at the thought. Gross.

"You better hurry and get ready for school. Athena will be here to pick you up in ten minutes," Chase finished.

My eyes widened. I checked my watch to see that he was, in fact, correct. I jumped up, "How long was I asleep for?"

Chase grinned, shaking his head, "Thirteen hours. I tried to drag you up the stairs but you were two heavy. I would have had the supermodel help but I didn't want to embarrass you,"

I sprinted up the stairs to get dressed, "He's not a supermodel," I shouted on my way up.

"For now,"

I jokingly rolled my eyes and grabbed a quick change of clothes. I ran a brush through my hair a few times before chucking my back over my shoulder and rushing down the stairs.

Chase handed me a granola bar on the way out. I grinned at him, taking the shiny green wrapped bar of goodness from his hand, "Thank you!" I kissed him on the cheek before running out the door to meet Athena.

The second I was in the car I interrogated her, "So how did things go with Sam?"

Her smile got brighter, "Saph I can't believe it! He wants a real relationship. He actually likes me,"

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