Chapter 18.3

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Chapter 18.3
The car ride back to Liam's house was completely silent aside from the brief update on Tara's well being and an invitation to stay the night at his house. It wasn't an aggressive silence but instead the kind looming of sadness and exhaustion. All I wanted to do was sleep, for a very long time. But I also owed him an explanation, one which I could tell he was dying to know but he had yet to ask for, perhaps out of respect although it would have been much easier to tell him if he had asked. Instead, I was trying to find a way to bring up the topic that I was once Tara's best friend, a fact that hardly seemed believable.

His house was pitch black by the time we arrived, all of his siblings already in bed.

I kicked my shoes off at the door before setting them on the rack, my usual routine. I had become very familiar with his place and pretty much new where everything belonged. It was nice, Athena's house was the only other place I had ever felt this comfortable. I hadn't even felt this way at my own address.

I followed Liam to his room, grabbing my usual pair of sweats that always stay in the top drawer of his dresser, to change into. I didn't even bother moving to the bathroom as Liam had seen me change plenty of times and didn't mind, in fact, he usually enjoyed it. But his mind was clearly somewhere else as he didn't even turn his head in my direction. I couldn't blame him. I wasn't in the right headspace either, my thoughts wandering. I laid my old clothes over his desk chair, leaving me in sweats and a sports bra, before tossing my hair up in a bun, one that barely held together. Athena was always the one who did my hair, I could hardly manage to do a simple braid.

Liam leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, his clothes draped across his shoulder. His eyes were hazy and it was clear he was out of focus.

"Liam," I whispered.

His head snapped up at the sound of my soft voice.

"Are you going to change?"

He stared at the clothes in his hand as though he had no idea how they got there. I got a curt nod before he mindlessly stripped and changed into his sweats. The two of us matched— both wearing grey sweatpants— accidentally of course; a frequent occasion for us. We had become that couple.

I stepped closer to him, entering his personal space. Acid coated my throat as I tried to formulate the words. I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants.

He gave me a faint smile, his blue eyes dim, I could barely hear his voice when he finally spoke, "Fire, I'm incredibly confused." He laughed softly.

"I know," I grabbed his hand, dragging him to the bed. I would rather have this conversation while we were sitting, or laying down. I voted for the latter.

Deep breath. "Do you remember when I told you about some of my foster homes?"

He nodded.

"And the one where I got removed because my foster father at the time said I attacked him?"

"I remember," I could tell he was already starting to put everything together.

"That was Tara's father. We were foster sisters.I lived with them for a while and Tara and I got really close, I told her absolutely everything, this was before high school so we didn't know you. She was my best friend, we did everything together. And then her dad hit me and when the police interrogated everyone, she covered for her dad and said I attacked him. I got taken away and moved homes. Once Tara figured out the Kingston's adopted me and that I would be going to the same school as her, she was afraid I would tell people that her father was abusive so she started bullying me in an attempt to keep me quiet, threatening to tell people all about my past. She did it because she was scared. She knew how bad some of the homes I'd been in had been and she didn't want to go through that."

He didn't say anything, he didn't have to, and I didn't want him too. He instead wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest.

I sighed, glad to get the weight off my chest. I was relieved to no longer have to keep that to myself. I hated never being able to tell Athena why I tolerated Tara's behavior.

My thoughts drifted to Tara, our phone call engraved in my memory; the sound of her screaming, the bullet ringing out, the quiver in her voice. She was absolutely petrified and in all honesty, so was I. For a moment I thought she was dead and it would have been my fault, because I never spoke up about the truth about her father. She never believed he would hurt her, that he would hurt his own daughter. She thought she was safe from the physical abuse.

Just like Chase and I.

But who's to say one day Charles won't snap. What if one day it's Chase in that hospital bed? All because I thought it was safe. I may be turning eighteen soon but Chase still has a few more years. He'll be in that house all alone, fending for himself. What happens if he makes Charles just a little bit too mad one day?

I gripped onto Liam tighter, the thought of Chase getting hurt terrifying me. I couldn't protect him forever, as much as I wanted to believe I could.

I had to get him out of that house.

Liam rubbed my back softly, noticing my sudden change in demeanor, "What's wrong?"

I couldn't get any words out, I didn't want to think about something happening to Chase. "Can you hand me my phone?" I whispered.

He nodded, reaching behind him to grab it. I texted Chase immediately.

Me: You doing okay?

He was quick to reply, despite the fact that it was incredibly late.

Chasey: Shouldn't I be asking you that? Your friend is in the hospital.

"Worried about Chase?" Liam's breath tickled my ear.

"Always," I forever would be as long as he was around Brandon and Charles.

Me: You're my little brother, it's my job to make sure you're okay.

Chasey: I'm okay, don't worry.
Chasey: How's Tara?

Me: Scared but alive.

Chasey: And how are you?

Absolutely petrified, extremely worried, a bit traumatized.

Me: I'm fine, don't worry.

Chasey: Still with the supermodel?

I laughed softly, fully aware that Liam could see my phone screen.

Me: You know it ;)

Chasey: Gross. Use protection, I don't need to be an uncle just yet.

I gaped at my phone.

Me: Weirdo!

Chasey: He treats you well though, right?

I smiled.

Me: Yeah, he does.

And I meant it. He really did.

Rested my hand on Liam's cheek, capturing his attention away from the wall and back to me. "Thank you," I whispered against his lips.

His lips curved into a crooked smile, "For what?"

I shrugged before kissing him gently, "Everything."

This chapter is also a little short. I've been swamped with school and haven't had much time for anything. I have twenty one assignments due Monday and only about half of them done.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. What do you guys think of it? Is it moving too slow? Not enough conflict? Do you guys like it?

The next chapter should have a bit more conflict I think.

Lots of love,
Rachelle <3

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