Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen
Maverick and I spent the entire rest of the night talking and catching up on each other's lives. I kept out all the major details that would taint his view of me. I knew it was wrong, but I just didn't want him to know how badly I had let him down.

Maverick had to leave early in the morning the next day in order to get back to work. I was sad to see him go but he promised he would visit again. We exchanged phone numbers so we could still talk.

I hadn't seen Liam yet either. He was currently at a college tour for a few days, seeing what his, possibly, new school would be like. This, of course, meant that we weren't able to see each other aside from a phone since he was in the next state over. The only problem with the phone was that we kept missing each other. He would call while I was away and then I'd call while he was gone. We pretty much kept repeating that process, talking in only voicemails. Thankfully he got home this afternoon and we had plans to hang out with Sam and Athena tomorrow.

My plans for the night are pretty much the usual. Athena was dragging me out to yet another party. She would go hang out with Sam, Lily and Taylor would probably find somewhere to make out, their latest hobby lately, and Veronica wasn't going. She had plans with the mystery girl from the last party. I would inevitably end up on my own, not that I ever minded. It was peaceful and I knew how to take care of myself.

I finished getting dressed, examining my outfit in the mirror: a grey tank top and black leggings. Fairly basic but I wasn't really going to look cute. I wasn't sure why I was going actually. I would have much rather been spending my time hanging out with Liam, which is what I would have been doing if I hadn't already promised Athena I'd go. Though, I wasn't sure why she wanted me to go, it wasn't like we would be hanging out anyway. She was going to see Sam.

Her and Sam spent almost every Friday together, even before they were dating. The weekend, however, she was all mine on the weekend. Not even Sam could steal her from me then.

My hair had been curled and Athena managed to help me put on a tiny bit of makeup, nothing too extravagant of course.

"Ready?" Athena squealed, taking a picture of the two of us in the mirror.

I giggled, "Let's do this!"

She grabbed my hand, twirling me around and snapping a nocturne of me mid-twirl. "Cutie," she cheered.

I blew a kiss to the camera, Athena snapping another picture. "I think we're gonna have to send these to Liam," she teased.

I gaped at her.

She shrugged, "Gotta show him what he's missing!"

I rolled my eyes, the huge smile on my face showing that I was joking.

I had, thankfully, not made the same mistake with Liam that I had made at the last party. This time, I told him I was going to the party and that he was welcome to come if he wanted to but he absolutely did not have to.

I didn't want him to feel like I was forcing him to go again. That would never be my intent.

He had decided not to go, for good reason, and instead wanted to catch up on his sleep. He hadn't gotten much, staying up till obscene hours with the rest of the guys on the tour. I couldn't believe he had managed to stay up so late, he was definitely not a night owl.

I pace my fingers with Athena's, dragging her down the steps. The two of us danced to the music blasting through her phone. We didn't do anything without music.

I had been in a surprisingly good mood lately. Maybe it was the fact that I had gotten to see Maverick, I wasn't sure. The two of us had been texting almost everyday and he had sent me plenty of pictures of his family. His wife was absolutely gorgeous and the two of them looked incredibly in love. I couldn't have been happier for them.

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