Chapter 2

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Chapter two
"So, what do you like to do for fun?" My blind date, Micheal, questioned me.

Athena had scheduled another date for me tonight. Shocker. At least this time she gave me a heads up, and by that I mean she showed up ten minutes before she wanted me to leave, and threw some clothes at me. She had decided that I should wear a tight fitting, bright red dress. I would have preferred shorts and a t-shirt but unfortunately Athena did not approve.

Sure, I could always tell her I didn't want to go and refuse to attend the dates but it made her happy. She only set me up on them because she cared about me. It was a weird way of caring but caring nonetheless. I would continue to go on them as long as it made her smile, plus it was an excuse to get out of my house.

Micheal was a sweet guy and I could actually see myself going on a second date with him. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop thinking about Liam. Pretending to date him would be the solution to all my problems. Athena would be happy and I would never have to go on a dumb date again. I could always try for a real relationship with Micheal but, honestly, I wasn't sure if it would work. I didn't even know if Micheal was having a good time. For all I knew we could go on a second date and then he could totally ghost me. Dating Liam though, that was for sure, one hundred percent. There was no commitment, no feelings, no strings attached. As crazy of an idea it was, it could work. What was the worst that could happen?

There were plenty of ways that it could go wrong, but I wasn't thinking about those. I was fully focused on getting out of these nightmares called a blind date.

"Sapphire?" Micheal questioned, trying to get a good look at my face to see if I was still listening.

My head snapped up as I was pulled away from my thoughts. I kept my gaze on the area surrounding us. "Huh?" I replied, still dazed, "Oh right, I like to read,"

Micheal nodded, "Oh really? I'm a bit of a reader myself. What's your favorite book?"

His voice was very professional for a seventeen year old boy. He was dressed in a clean pressed, navy dress shirt, his pants were crisp, solid black dress pants. He took me to an extremely fancy restaurant which I most certainly could not afford. I informed him of this but he offered to pay. He was a real gentleman. It was a shame I wasn't going to be staying. "I'm so sorry but I actually really have to get going," I finally turned my head to make eye contact.

His face morphed into a frown, "Oh alright, we'll I'll let you get going. I had a fun time, we should do it again sometime," a glimmer of hope sparkles in his eyes.

I debated agreeing, in case Liam had changed his mind about the deal, but figured that would be rude to him. "You're a really sweet guy but I have feelings for someone else," I lied.

He seemed to understand as he pulled me into a hug, "Well, if for some reason that guy doesn't see how amazing you are, give me a call,"

I smiled at him. He really was a great guy. Spinning on my heel, I exited the building and to my car. I headed straight for the school.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at the school but by the time I got there the game was already almost over. The bleachers were packed. The students all stood crammed shoulder to shoulder. They were all dressed in Hawaiian shirts and flower leis. That must have been tonight's theme. I stood out like a sore thumb in my bright red dress that was slowly getting drenched. Rain poured down on us but since the game was almost over they were definitely going to finish it. With only a few seconds left on the clock both teams were tied.

I knew absolutely nothing about football. I was aware that this was the most important game of the year though. If they won this they got to go to the championship. Our whole school was rooting for them. I watched as number thirteen ran the ball down the field, managing to score it in the end zone. The crowd erupted into a huge array of cheers. Even I found myself grinning. We had just won the game.

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