[35] Fight

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A few days after the Double Trouble incident, Salineas and the rebellion were in shambles. Mermista would come out of the bathtub, Adora and Glimmer were still fighting.

And me?

I was just angry. At myself mostly.

Putting my own emotions to the side however, I stood around the war table with Meissa and a few other princesses.

"I know it's been tough going with losing Salineas. But, we're picking up the pieces. I'm sure we can turn this around. I mean, we captured Double Trouble. They're refusing to talk to us, but still." Bow said, trying to lighten the mood.

He continued, "So uh... Swift wind!" The horse looked up in surprise, "You just got back from scouting the Southern Coast. What does it look like?"

"On fire!"

"...Anything more specific?"

Swiftwind paused for a moment, "On lots of fire!"

I crossed my arms over my chest, biting my knuckles.

Bow sweat dropped, "Okay... Adora. You came from Plulmeria, what's their status? Any good news?"

Adora looked down at the table, "Perfuma is secruing the Whispering Woods, and Frosta reports her kingdom has not been breached-"


"-yet. But the Horde's working on it. Day and night. Nonstop."

The brown haired boy still had a smile on his face, but it seemed forced, "Well, that is okay. Because Sea Hawk, Spinnerella and Netossa just saved everyone in sea elf village. With, uh, Glimmer. Who didn't tell us she was going, but just kinda showed up."

Adora looked surprised for a moment before putting her hands on the table, "Again? Glimmer you can't just keep going off on your own."

The queen narrowed her eyes, "Hmm. Where have I heard that before? Oh, righhhht. When I stayed here to find the Horde spy and Salineas fell."

"That's not fair. We didn't know."

"Tell that to Mermista!"

Swiftwind budded into the conversation, "Hey, where is Mermista."

I sighed, "She's still in the bathtub. Where she's been for the past couple of days."

Bow forced another smile, "That's alright. At least we have a new representative from Mystacor. Right Meissa?"

The blue haired girl nodded, seemingly nervous. I put a hand on her shoulder, which seemed to make her relax a bit.

The conversation went on, and as the arguing and fighting got louder, I stopped listening and just glanced to the corner of the room lazily.

Eventually however, Glimmer dismissed the meeting and both me and Meissa headed out to the gardens.

She was the first person to cut through the silence, "Sooooo. Is your queen always that- I don't know. Angry?"

"Lately, she's been in sort of a funk. Same with Adora. I'm hoping that it's just a phase."

We made our way over to where there was a bush of white roses. Then I turned to her.

"Wanna see something cool?"

She nodded vigorously and I focused my attention on the white roses, creating an illusion of them being red.

Suddenly she gasped, "Is that your power? Or is that an illusion spell?"

I shrugged, "It's my power. No big deal really, I could do this in my sleep."

- 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - 𝘚𝘩𝘦-𝘳𝘢 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 -Where stories live. Discover now