Night of the Comet: Stefan II

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I walked down the dimly lit hallways of the hospital with a particular determination, as I carefully trailed Matt Donovan through the building. I was doing it solo despite Dean's earlier promises of helping me and not out of some misplaced sense of ego or because this is only a one-man job. I just don't want him to get involved any deeper into this mess that my brother's created.

As I continued down the dark corridor, I saw Matt go turn left and enter one of the rooms, and I hid from view. Out of nowhere, I heard screams coming from the room Matt had walked into, Vicki most likely. Matt came scrambling out of the room shouting for help, no doubt running to find a doctor.

This meant I had to work fast. Luckily, I only needed a few seconds. I sped into the room using my enhanced abilities and caught up with Vicki. Making her look me in the eyes, I said, "It was an animal that attacked you. It came out of the night and jumped you. You blacked out." She immediately calmed down and stared at me with a dazed expression. "It's all you remember," I finished.

"It's all I remember," she repeated.

I repeated my previous statement once more, telling her that was all she remembered before quickly rushing out of the room minutes before Matt came scurrying back with a nurse behind him. Unfortunately, I wasn't out of the clear just yet. I casually looked over my shoulder and caught a glimpse of Matt's silhouette following a handful of yards behind me. I returned my gaze to what was in front of me and picked up my pace without making it too obvious.

I quickly turned a corner and walked through a set of doors that led right into the dialysis room. Shit. It was chock-full of dialysis and hemophilia patients and numerous amounts of blood bags. I wasn't near a mirror, but I'm pretty sure my expression resembled something close to panic.

I was trapped. I couldn't go back the way I came without running into Matt, but I also could stay in here and risk the safety of the patients. The metallic scent of blood wafted through my nose and my mouth began to water. My sense of hearing was flooded by the sound of rushing blood flowing throughout the patients' bodies. I didn't even hear a pair of footsteps come to a stop next to me.

"Well, talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place," a familiar voice said lowly next to me. I immediately pivoted and found Dean glaring at me with his brow arched. "Dean, how?" I started.

"There's a window over there, come on!" He cut me off. Then he started over to the window and I had no choice but to follow him. As soon as he opened the window, I heard Matt enter the room I jumped out of the window first and landed smoothly on my feet with no problem at all. I stared upwardly at Dean and we both shared a look of apprehension. It appeared that we were really about to test the limits of his... Condition. Without so much as a warning, Dean leaped out of the window and jumped down to the gravelly bottom, approximately 60 feet below him...

And he landed gracefully on his feet the same way I did.

I visibly relaxed my body. At least I wouldn't have to feed him my blood to heal him or anything. I quickly grabbed him by his shoulder and held the back of his neck, before racing off from the window in one quick movement with Dean in tow.

*         *         *         *         *

As we walked back around to the parking lot to get Dean's car, Dean remained silent the whole way there. He was mad at me for leaving him back at school. "Okay, how long is the whole silent treatment thing gonna last?" I asked.

Not even two seconds after the words left my mouth did I instantly regret it. "Just shut the hell up and get in the goddamn car!" He barked. Without another word, Dean opened the car door and slid into the driver's seat, while I got in on the passenger side. Then he started up the car and drove off.

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