Friday Night Bites: Elena II

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As the three of us worked together cleaning up the kitchen, Dean and Sam refused to be anywhere near each other as they worked. It was clear that Sam was mad at Dean for lying to him for so long. Honestly, I was kind of upset, too. However, I still wonder what happened between them that caused so much animosity. According to Damon, they broke up with each other around the same time that my parents died.

Wow. I guess that explains why Dean was so adamant about me not letting him in. He didn't want to deal with drama from his ex or have to make the rest of us endure that drama, and I told him to shove off and deal with it. Way to go, Elena. You're making great strides in being an amazing girlfriend to Dean! A voice in my head snarked making me cringe.

It was clear that Dean was uncomfortable and I made him feel that way by letting his ex-boyfriend into the house. The guilt swelling in my heart was only matched by the deep curiosity of Dean and Damon's past relationship. "So, Dean... you used to date Stefan's brother, huh?" I said slowly. Suddenly, I jumped back as one of the plates fell into the sink with a loud thud. I focused my attention in the direction of the noise and found that it was Dean who was the culprit. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—" he started hoarsely. He cleared his throat awkwardly and carefully picked the dish back up again before saying, "Yes, I did use to date Damon." Well, at least he's responding to me.

I nodded solemnly. "We're you guys in a relationship for long?" Why was I asking all these questions? He never asked me about my relationship with Matt. So why am I— "Hey, can, uh... can we talk about this later, Elena? You know, once everything is clear here?" He said nodding over to his brother. Pulling my lips together in a wan smile, I nodded and resumed washing the dishes.

Not long after the two of us fell back into silence, Damon sauntered into the kitchen with an extra glass in his hand. "Got one more for you," he beamed. At that moment, the glass slipped out of his hand but he caught it while it was still suspended in midair. "Nice reflexes," I noted. "Uh, Sam, can you help me gather up all the trash in the living room?" Dean cut in, promptly avoiding Damon's eyes. I watched Sam look back and forth between Damon and his brother contemplatively before nodding his assent. And then, they were gone.

"So much for a truce, I guess," Damon scoffed despondently. I shot him a sympathetic smile. "Just give him time," I responded. "He'll come around... eventually."

"I like you," Damon smiled. "You know how to laugh. And you make Stefan and Dean smile. God knows I haven't seen either of them smile in so long." For some reason, I felt as though there was a subtle hint of bitterness that lingered within the sincerity of his words. "So, what happened between you and Dean? What was your relationship like?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. However, instead of freezing up or getting upset, the young man across from me raised his eyebrow in either curiosity or suspicion.

"Why do you wanna know?" He asked. "You wanna know if you have anything to worry about?" My eyes grew wide in shock and I quickly began stammering to come up with a rebuttal to that. Before I could though, Damon started to laugh and that's when I realized that he was joking. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he smirked impishly. "Dean and I met at a very difficult point in his life. At the time, his dad had been dead for only a couple of months and within that short time, Dean was already going off the reservation. I guess, in a way, that was the beginning of the end for our relationship."

"Wait so you guys had been together for almost three years?" I asked in disbelief. "Yeah, but it's nothing to worry about," he brushed off. "Towards the end of our relationship, neither of us were fully in it, you know?" "Yeah, I know that feeling," I mused as images of my previous relationship with Matt flashed through my mind. "Earlier when you were talking, did you mean Katherine?"

Damon leaned back against the countertop and nodded. "Mm-hmm." "How did she die?" I inquired cautiously. The older Salvatore brother furrowed his brow in a grimace. "It was a fire. A tragic fire," he sighed.


"Well, it sure seems like it was yesterday. That's why I said I was worried for a while that he wouldn't get over it. He just kept reliving it over and over again," Damon answered vaguely. "What was she like?" I questioned since it was clear he wasn't going to elaborate any further. A half-smile played across his lips as he began to tell me about Katherine. "She was beautiful. A lot like you in that department," he explained. "But she was very complicated, and selfish, and at times not very kind. But very sexy and seductive."

As I observed Damon and listened intently to his description of Katherine, everything suddenly began to click into place, and I inferred what had happened. "So which one of you dated her first?" I commented. He let out a soft chuckle and pointed a finger at me. "Nicely deduced," he smiled. "Ask Stefan. I'm sure his answer differs from mine."

I nodded curtly before turning away from him to fold up the towels and close up the dishwasher. "I'd quite cheerleading if I were you," he remarked randomly. I gave him a confused look. "Why would you say that?" I inquired. "Oh, I saw you at practice today. You looked miserable," he retorted. Damn. Did everyone know what happened to me at practice today? Was it really that obvious?

I shook myself out of my thoughts. "You saw that?"

"Am I wrong?" he said perceptively.

I let out a sharp breath. "I'm starting to think you and Dean are psychics. He said a similar thing to me earlier," I stated. "I used to love it. It was fun. But things are different this year; everything that used to matter doesn't anymore." "All the more reason to quit," he chimed. "Move on. Problem solved. Ta-da." "Some things could matter again," I replied pointedly. He shrugged and shook his head. "Not likely. It seems a little too... unrealistic to me."

I took in what he had to say before letting out a soft exhale. "I'm sorry." He tilted his head curiously at me. "About Katherine," I clarified. "You lost her, too."

A mix of emotions were displayed in his eyes, despite his facial expression remaining impassive. "Thank you," he said quietly. I shot him a small smile. "Your welcome."

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