Night of the Comet: Inquisitions & Explanations

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Dean looked all over the park for any sign of his friends but found nothing. Then he raced back inside and saw everyone running around helter-skelter across the building until finally, his eyes landed on Elena. "Hey!" he announced his presence. Everybody's eyes landed on him and immediately the tension seemingly left the room.

"Dean!" he heard a voice call out before he was engulfed in a tight bear-hug by his brother. "Hehe, hey, Sammy," Dean chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, my God, Dean!" Elena exclaimed as she rushed over to them. The two brothers broke apart just in time for Elena to jump into the young hunter's arms.

They pulled each other close and Dean tried not to shut his eyes in blissful content as the lavender scent of her hair wafted into his nose. When they pulled apart finally everybody stood around him expectantly waiting on his explanation. "Where the hell have you been, Dean?" Sam demanded. "Uhh," Dean started. "And why didn't you call?" Elena questioned. "Actually," Dean started again. "Are you feeling okay?" Matt inquired. This launched an onslaught of questions that he really didn't know how nor want to answer.

He raised his arms signaling for them to be quiet, saying, "Guys, guys, calm down."

"Calm down?" Elena raised her voice. "You've been missing for almost a day." Dean's eyes bulged out of their sockets and his jaw fell to the floor. "Wait. One day, like twenty-four hours?" he asked. "Yes, Dean, that is what constitutes a day," Elena griped. There was no way he has been gone for that long. Right? And yet, the proof was there laid before him. Hell, even Damon had said his friends had been looking for him all day. Wait, Damon said that. Son of a bitch!

Dean immediately ran his hands through his hair and let out a curse. "Damn you, Damon!" he muttered, however, Stefan and Sam both caught his snide remark but neither addressed it. "Okay, so, um, to be honest with all of you, I don't remember much of what happened to me last night," he said half-truthfully. After all, the best lies had grains of the truth within them.

"Really, Dean?" Elena hissed.

"I swear, Elena. One minute I was going out for a drive to clear my head, and the next I was waking up on the roof," Dean explained, gesturing to the ceiling. Elena and the others gave him a curious look. "Why would you wake up on the roof?" Matt inquired. "I mean, who put you there?" "I don't know, Donovan, your guess is as good as mine," Dean lied to his friend. "Best guess, a couple of other teenagers tryna pull a prank, found me and knocked me out, and put me on the roof."

"But your okay, though, right?" Stefan interceded, giving the hunter a knowing look. "The, uh, teenagers didn't rough you up or anything?" His message was clear. That much Dean knew. He knew that Damon was behind Dean's disappearance and was worried that his brother might've done something to hurt him. Dean exhaled softly and shook his head in Stefan's direction. "No, I'm okay, I think."

Almost all of the tension seemed to drain out of Stefan's body instantly. Sam looked on in curiosity and suspicion, as he watched his brother interact with Stefan. He knew that Stefan was a vampire after Aunt Sheila told him the history of Mystic Falls, the other day when Dean ran out. He just never got the chance to talk to Dean about it.

Yet another thing his brother lied to him about.

Well, no more. He is so done with being left in the dark, and his brother's bullshit.

"Okay, guys, well, thank you for trying to help me find him, but I should get him home," Sam cleared his throat. This seemed to jolt everyone out of their interrogation mode and they gave the younger Winchester brother a sympathetic nod and left the two brothers alone. Elena was the last to leave, giving Dean a questioning look before turning away.

"Phew, that was a close one!" Dean breathed a sigh of relief. "Nice save there with the whole--" Dean was cut off mid-sentence by his brother punching him across the face harshly. Dean, unprepared for the attack, stumbled a little as his eyes became watery. "When we get home, you're gonna tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth, or so help you, God, I will kick your ass from here to New Zealand," Sam growled.

Then without another word, Dean watched his brother storm off in a whirl of fury, and Dean couldn't help but feel the sense of dread pooling in his stomach. This was not going to end well. he thought.

And he couldn't have been more right.

The Supernatural Diaries {Book One}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt