Night of the Comet: Stefan I

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  Dear Diary,

  I'm awake.

  For the first time in a long time, I feel completely and undeniably wide awake.

  I welcome the day... Because I know...

  I'll get to see her again.

*         *         *

Later that morning, I was finishing up the dishes in the kitchen and was about to grab my bag and leave for school. Unfortunately, that's when the last person I wanted to see walked through the doorway. I struggled not to voice my umbrage as Damon sat down right in front of me with a half-sadistic half-expectant look on his face.

I could've attempted to superspeed out of the house, but images of what happened last night in the backyard flashed through my brain. Exhaling, I braced myself on the table and said, "What is it now?" He looked affronted by my blatant attitude, which nearly threw me off guard.

"Damn, little bro, can't I just say good morning to you?" He said with a smile tugging at the ends of his mouth. I slapped my palm against my forehead in exasperation. "Jesus Christ, Damon, who'd you kill?"

Silence, and then...

"Don't you have school today?"

"Not if you keep killing people and risk exposing our existence to the world," I sassed. Damon laughed out loud. "Good job, Stefan," he teased. "You actually said something funny."

I calmed myself spread my arms halfway in a gesture for peace. "Can you just try to keep a low profile?" I begged. "Make an effort to pretend to be normal, please?"

"How 'bout I make you a deal?" Damon chimed. As he stood to his full height, he made sure to peer into my soul and "assert his dominance" over me. "Alright, what?" I replied, not backing down. "I promise that I'll stay at home for the day and not kill anyone else," he started.


"But... You have to owe me a favor," Damon answered vaguely. "And before you ask, no, I will not tell you what it is. Just know that when the time comes, I'll expect you to do something for me and I know that you'll do it."

It was a trap. He was trying to get me into his debt and he knew exactly how to do it. If I make this deal for a day, I know it'll come back to bite me. But if I don't, then God only knows how many more people are gonna die this week. And if there are people who still remember what happened 15 years ago, then chances are they've started to put the pieces together.

Still, some part of me wanted to be defiant and even though I probably knew the answer to my next question, a part of me still had to ask.

"What if I don't agree?"

His eyes darkened with sinister intent. "Well, Elena's still lonely after all the heartache she's gone through. I'm sure she could use some company," he smirked.

I guess that settled it then.

I was now officially signing up to be my brother's lap dog.

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