Family Ties: Elena II

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Once the others had left me alone with Damon, I folded my arms tightly across my chest and scowled. "What do you want?" I snapped. "Ooh, feisty. No wonder Dean is so smitten," Damon chuckled. I rolled my eyes and scoffed annoyance. "What is your problem?" "Who says I have a problem?" Damon shrugged. "Well, it must be you, because every time you see me a Dean together, you keep trying to provoke him or make me uncomfortable," I spat. "You can't seem to go one whole minute without acting like a petulant world-class jerk."

At my remark, Damon finally dropped the act, and his blue narrowed into slits, "Alright, princess. You wanna play hardball? Fine. I don't think you're good enough for Dean. I think you're whiny, and selfish, and arrogant—" "You don't even know me," Elena raised her voice. "Oh, I think I do. You see, I've dealt with your type before, and quite frankly, you are so caught up in your own little world that I don't see how anyone could EVER fall for you!" Damon snarled.

I instinctively recoiled as he tried to close in on me, then I stopped and glared up at Damon challengingly. "Dean did. And I bet it kills you inside to see him moving on with someone else. To see him moving on with me," I asserted. "Careful, princess. I'm not the one you wanna piss off," Damon warned. "Neither am I! I protect the people I love, Damon, of that I assure you," I seethed. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, but that's OK. Because I do, and trust me... Your little tryst with Dean is gonna leave you bloody... of that, I assure you," Damon fumed.

I tried to keep my face stern despite my heart thrumming loading in my ribcage. Did Damon Salvatore just threaten me?

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