162 Candles: Elena I

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The next morning when I woke up, I checked my phone, hoping that there was a notification saying that I got a call, a text, an email, anything to signify that Dean was okay. But just as it had been for the last several days, there was nothing. No missed calls, no new text messages, no unviewed emails. No sign of life whatsoever. And at this rate, I was beginning to lose faith that I would ever see Dean again.

Just then, there was a knock at my door, and I lifted my head to see Bonnie peeking through. "You up?" she asked softly.

"No," I mumbled sadly, pulling the covers over my head. However, they didn't stay over my head for very long before Bonnie snatched them back with her "no more moping" look etched into her face.

"Why haven't you called me back?" Bonnie inquired, and rightly so.

I froze. What was I supposed to tell her? Another lie.

But before I could even begin to think of one, she said, "I know that you're worried about Dean and the whole Hunter's curse, but just like I told Sam, he'll be back and when he is, everything will go back to normal. Well... normal for us at least."

I sat straight up in my bed gaping in disbelief, unsure of what I was hearing. "D-Did, I- Did I-I just hear you right?" I balked.

Bonnie smiled knowingly. "Yes, you did. I know the truth about everything," she replied.

"How?" I wondered.

"How do you think?" Bonnie chuckled, climbing into bed next to me. "I had something weird happen to me the day of the car wash and that night, Sam, Dean, and Grams explained everything to me. Everything about vampires, witches, and monsters."

"The day of the car wash?" I clarified, earning a nod from my friend. "That was the same day I found out, too. Wait, the boys told you everything? Including..."

"Including their past? Yeah. Although, I think Grams is responsible for why they were so chatty about that part of the explanation," Bonnie smirked.

I huffed in amusement. "Wish she had been there when I tried to get them to speak. It was like pulling teeth," I retorted.

"Yeah, well, after learning what they went through, I can see why. It must've been hard moving around like that, being raised to chase monsters instead of getting to be kids. I don't how they didn't go insane," Bonnie mused somberly.

A lump formed at the base of my throat, as I remembered the story the boys told me about their mother. It made me sick to my stomach knowing that Sam and Dean had gone through something so horrible. If it had been me in that situation, I don't know if I would have been able to handle it.

"Neither do I," I murmured. "Anyway, you said that they told you because of an incident you had at the car wash?"

Bonnie seemed to light up almost instantly. "Oh, right! That reminds me of the other reason I came here," she beamed sitting up straight.

"Aw, you mean you didn't just come here to get me out of my pity party?" I japed, sitting upright as well.

Instead of answering the question she got out of the bed and closed the nearby window before coming back and cutting opening one of the pillows and pouring out all of the feathers.

"Hey!" I exclaimed in surprise. "What are y-"

"I need to swear you to secrecy," Bonnie stated.

"It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff," I groused.

"No, swear 'cause I'm not supposed to be showing you this," Bonnie insisted.

I gave her a deadpan look before letting out a sigh and nodding. "Okay, I swear."

Bonnie took a deep breath and smiled. "Okay. There's no windows open, right?"

"Right," I nodded.

"There's no fan," Bonnie noted. "No air conditioning."

"None," I concurred. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Grams just showed me this. You're gonna love it. You ready?" Bonnie responded simply.

I nodded my head, curiosity buzzing through my system.

I waited for something to happen and then, slowly, Bonnie stretched out her hand over the feathers, and as she lifted her hand one of the feathers began to float. I gaped incredulously, thinking that what I was seeing couldn't possibly be real. "Bonnie, what's going on?"

Bonnie's smile merely widen before she stretched out both of her hands and caused all of the feathers from the pillow to float all at once all around us. I laughed ecstatically as I took in the wondrous sight. This was amazing! It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. And it was proof that not everything about the supernatural was dark and dreary. Some of it was, I dare say, good.

"It's true, Elena. Everything my grams told me," Bonnie confessed. "It's impossible and it's true. I'm a witch."

"I believe you," I grinned.

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