Lost Girls: Elena I

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The next day when I woke up, I went to go write in my diary, but then I thought better of it. Instead, I picked up my phone and saw that I had thirteen missed calls and twenty-seven text messages from Sam and Dean. At the sight of their names, I clenched up tightly. All this time, I thought I knew them, but in reality, I only knew what they wanted me to know about them. And that's assuming that what they told me was even true.

I sighed in exasperation and fell back on my bed.

This wasn't helping. Letting my mind run wild with theories and outlandish scenarios and questions wasn't going to do me any good if I couldn't get a confirmation on any of it. So, with a determined look, I opened up my messages and sent a text out to Sam, Dean, and Stefan, telling them I wanted to meet up. Then, I tossed my phone onto the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.

One way or another, I was going to get answers even if I had to drag them out of the boys like pulling teeth.

* * *

"You said you'd explain everything in your texts, which is why I asked the three of you to meet me here," I said to the three boys sitting across the table from me with guilt-ridden looks. "When you google vampire, you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?" After I said that, Dean raised his hand for permission to speak, and I had to force myself not to glare at him. "Yes, Dean," I nodded.

"Well, if you want to know the reality, you first have to know that there are two different types of Vampires," my boyfriend replied. I furrowed my brow inquisitively. "What do you mean?" I asked. Dean looked to his brother and Stefan who nodded in approval or agreement, I couldn't tell. "You see, Lena, not all vampires come from the same place. As a matter of fact, most of them have a different set of characteristics and abilities that make them vastly different from each other," Dean explained. "There are two species of vampires: Evarien and Mikalaen."

"What's the difference?" I questioned.

"Evarien Vampires were allegedly created in Africa by a woman known as the "Mother-of-All"," Sam chimed in. "She is said to have been the first monster in all of creation and the mother of all monsters that came after her, but no one really knows for sure because she hasn't been seen for the last... eight thousand years-ish?"

If I had a mirror, I'm pretty sure my eyes would be as wide as saucers. Despite my shock urged them to continue. "Evarien Vampires are invulnerable to sunlight. Silver doesn't hurt them, garlic won't even make 'em break out in hives, and despite all the rumors and legends, they can't be killed with a wooden or metal stake through the heart," Dean rattle off like it was nothing. A cold shiver ran down my spine, as my eyes slowly drifted over to Stefan. "What about holy water?" I inquired.

"Drinkable," Stefan voiced.

"Crucifixes?" I supplied.

"Decorative," Stefan remarked.

"So, you are an Evarien Vampire?" I asked Stefan.

He shook his head and replied, "No, but my kind shares a lot of similarities with them. Silver, garlic, holy water, and crucifixes won't do much against us. Evarien vampires can only be killed by separating the head, but a wooden stake will definitely be enough to put me down."

"What about sunlight?" I interrogated.

"I have a ring that protects me," Stefan answered gesturing to the ring on his finger that I noticed earlier.

"Okay, well, what about mirrors?" I huffed, sagging my shoulders.

"That's a myth, as far as both vampire species are concerned," Sam interjected.

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