Night of the Comet: Sam I

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I was running in the woods.

It was dark out and the air was bitter cold. The entire time, it felt like I was seeing through someone else's eyes. I didn't know what was going on or how I got there, but one thing I did know for sure was that I was in danger.

I didn't know what was after me or even where the hell I was running to, but all I knew was that I had to escape.

"Help!" I screamed.

"Somebody, help me!"

I ran and ran as fast as I could until finally, I saw a car near the side of the road just beyond the tree line. I sprinted at full speed towards the car and once there, I repeatedly tried to open the door, but it was locked. That's when I heard the car alarm suddenly go off and the keys dropped right down next to me.

However, before I could pick them up I was tackled from above and felt a sharp pain in my neck, as a pair of fangs sunk into my carotid artery.

I sat straight up in my bed, beads of sweat glistening on my face. That was the fourth time this week that I've had that dream, and I still don't know what it means. Who knows, maybe I'm just paranoid about this Damon guy being in Mystic Falls. Granted I've never met him or seen him in person, but his reputation in this town precedes him.

But Dean said that I had nothing to worry about so, I'm going to trust that he has the situation under control. However, if he doesn't, then I might just have to take matters into my own hands to keep myself and my family safe. I just hope it won't come to that.

I looked over to the side of my nightstand and saw my alarm clock read a quarter past three in the morning. I let out a huff of exhaustion and plopped my head back on the pillow. However, even as I laid down, sleep would not come and all I could do was re-live my previous nightmares of Damon, presumably, murdering me in the woods.

*         *         *

The sun rose a few hours earlier and I groaned irritably as my alarm clock blared in my ear. Guess it was time to wake up. I sluggishly hauled myself out of bed and stood to my feet, wiping the sleepiness out of my eyes as I went. Then I dragged my feet across the wooden floor as I motioned towards the bathroom down the hall.

Once inside, I prepared myself for the day. Never once did my mind let me forget the horrifying incident that occurred yesterday at the Falls.

I guess it's just another day in the life of Sam Winchester, and I highly doubt that today is going to get any better.

On the contrary, it's only going to get worse.

To Be Continued...


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